Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Choosing Words of Love

Words, words,words....your language has so many, and yet you apply meanings to older words and expressions that they were never meant to have.

You, then, turn a neutral word, into a bad one.

Our, "for instance" for today, is the term "politically correct." Having watched your politics, we might note that using that word in the expression was probably dooming it to fall into the "bad" category.

Words are neutral. All words. It is the thought intent you put behind them that makes them good or bad. Either way, they will manifest when repeated, so use them cautiously and immerse yourself in the best language you can.

The words, "politically correct" were designed as a way to show respect to all people of different, races, religious beliefs, physical and mental abilities and political affiliations.

When you say, "I'm tired of being 'politically correct' what you are saying is that you do not wish to show respect to those who fall into these categories. 

Not what you meant, perhaps? The words have been so watered down and overused that they have lost their meaning. 

Or do you mean you do not respect those of different religions as yours, but it's not ok to make fun of people with physical challenges. 

We would encourage you to drop these words from your vocabulary. Say what you mean. If you do not care about women's rights or the feelings of those born with Down's Syndrome then say it. 

You will not get as much respect if you do not preface it by saying, "I know it's not 'politically correct' to say this, ....." but at least you are being honest about your feelings. 

You may be prejudiced, you may be racist or sexist. Most of you are to a small degree. It is the result of your belief in separation. You lash out at those who have qualities you do not like about yourself so that you don't have to deal with resolving your own issues. That is hard work. Much easier to blame these people or those. 

When you find yourself being "anti" this or that, ask yourself what qualities of this or that, you possess and want to eliminate.

Standing behind words or spiritual or political beliefs with others who feel the same way does not absolve you of personal responsibility. When you leave this world an have to be accountable for your life, you cannot get out of it by saying, "my pastor said, or my congressman said....." When you open your mouth, or type words on your keyboard, ask yourself, "Are my words helpful and kind, or mean spirited and self-serving?"

One day, when you have to defend them, you will find yourself standing alone. Will you still be as bold?
When you find yourself being a "pro" instead of an "anti" you will have a lot more peace in your life and feel good about who you are and what you stand for.~Silas

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