Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Rest vs. Laziness

As children, you are often told that you are being lazy when you sit around and do nothing. As adults, you refuse to slow down even when you are ill or tired.

Your body remains in a sluggish, tired state on a regular basis. You make plans but lack the energy and enthusiasm to carry them out.

Most of you take better care of your automobiles than your bodies.

You would not run your car's engine all day long and not expect the parts to wear or the gas to run out. You give it the best gas and the highest quality service you can afford. You drive your car as you need to, then park it in a cool garage if, possible.

Your bodies are often subjected to unnatural schedules and given cheap, inadequate fuel because it is convenient. You attempt to run them from morning until evening with no rest. Then you give your body stimulants to keep it running, when it can go no longer.

Taking a break is not laziness. It is part of the necessary maintenance of your physical vessel. Do not let the guilt or judgement of others keep you from doing what you need to do for your health and well-being.

If you take your resting periods as seriously as your work time, your energy and the quality of your work will improve, and your life will feel easy and balanced. Now put away your computer and take a break. The world will wait for you. ~Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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