Friday, September 13, 2013

Be Grateful For What You Have; Do not Curse What You Haven’t

All of you would like to have more of the things that make you happy. It may be money, friends, love or material things. 

The Universe would like to help you achieve this.

The problem is you create confusion. 

You want more money, so you say your prosperity affirmations, you carry your pretend million dollar bill everywhere you go, you wear lots of green and visualize a larger number in your bank account.

 Then you go to pay a bill. 

“Damn it!” you say! Is that all I have? 

Your computer runs slow. 

“What a piece of garbage! I want a better one!”

Such emotion and attention you give to what you don’t want. If the majority of your energy and emotions are spent this way, guess what you will be getting more of?

Often you get angry when you hear a child whining in a store because they want candy or a new toy, but you do not hear yourself whine to the Universe.

When a child is witnessed being grateful and considerate of others, their parents are more likely to give them gifts. Strangers give them praise.

They are happy and content and get what they ask for because they continuously show gratitude for what they have. 

The next time you are tempted to complain that you lack the money for a new dress, stop and be grateful that you have enough for a cup of coffee.

When your computer runs slowly, remember the last time you were without one and be glad that it is running. 

Then the Universe hears, “I’m grateful! I like having these things!” and like a devoted parent, it will repay your gratitude with more of the things you love.

Like any good parent, the Universe wants you to be happy and well adjusted, not spoiled and unappreciative.

The Universe will always deliver first, that which you cry out for with the greatest intensity of emotion. 

Love passionately, the little things in your life. This sends a loud, clear message to the Universe:

"Thank you! May I have some more?"

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