Wednesday, December 4, 2013

From Adversity to Amazing

Would it surprise you to know, that many of your favorite artists, musicians and storytellers had difficult childhoods or perhaps faced challenges as adults?

They may still be going through them. You can see it in your periodicals. It is surprising and shocking. Your hero has fallen from grace.

Creativity can be a fragile thing. Some can tap into it at will. They decide to create and just start creating.

For others, there are fears and doubts. They don’t think they can follow their passions so they bury themselves in drug abuse, bad relationships and money troubles.

From those difficulties, they find the strong, passionate emotions they need to create.

They often stay in that bad place because they believe that the muse will elude them if they start to feel good.

This is not necessary. Creation is just as simple as believing in it. 

Think, dream, take appropriate action (occasionally stopping to reevaluate) and make it happen. 

Many people do their best work under adversity. A project is due in a few hours so there is no time to argue with themselves about it. They just jump in and do it. Often it is their very best work, because the worry and fear have kick started their creative juices.

“So,” you think, “I must be under great pressure and stress to create something wonderful? Why bother?”
Why? Because you must. Your soul is here to do work. If your ego does not cooperate, then you will be put into a situation where you have no choice.

So don’t fight your dreams! Stop resisting the idea of vitality, love and prosperity! 

If you must have a little adversity to create then give yourself some. Make it a controlled, environment. 

Set a time limit. Be serious about it. Use a timer or mark it on your calendar and honor it. Face your fears.

Jump in and act without over-thinking the situation (without putting your life in danger).

Risk looking foolish. Stop worrying about what others are thinking. Start creating, right now!

Before you talk yourself out of it. ~Silas

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