Saturday, April 19, 2014

Believe it!

You may wonder why the Universe does not always reward you with abundance and prosperity. You do your affirmations daily, you think positive thoughts and you envision the event as though it has already happened.

So, why are you not rich, famous or living a fairy tale life?

 Is the Law of Attraction a Divine con game? Is a supreme being playing with your life like a toy?

If you create such a mean overlord in your mind, he might do just that, but it is unlikely. You already do not use the power you have to create the little things in your life. Why would you believe you are capable of conjuring an omnipotent, imaginary bully?
Sadly, if you look in the mirror, you will see just such a bully. 

No one will ever treat you as unkindly as you already treat yourself. No one will be as strict with you or demand so much.

You are a bit like a warlord. You supply weapons and supplies to both sides to keep the conflict going. The only difference is that the warlord is becoming rich and prosperous in the process. You are, simply, failing to get what you want.You fight the daily battle of declaring your desires to the Universe, then shaking your head and thinking silently, “If only.” 

The Universe is neither judging you, nor deciding which of the two statements is true. You get a little of both and maintain your current situation. A step forward, then a step back.

Occasionally, you get there. You manifest something amazing. You stand there holding in your hands something you had only imagined a short while ago and you say to yourself, “I can’t believe it!”

If someone were to give you a gift, would you say, “Wow! I can’t believe that you could afford this on your salary!” The person giving the gift would probably not see that as appreciation. They would not be motivated to give you any more. 

Gratitude and positive thoughts are the fuel that keeps your manifestation machine running smoothly and efficiently.

When you say you are not grateful for something, either with your words or thoughts,  the Universe is hearing, “I don’t care for that. No more of that, please,” and POOF!  Your wish is granted! There will be no more of what you are requesting.

Cultivate a habit of gratitude daily. Eliminate the phrase, “I can’t believe it!” from your vocabulary. Replace it with, “I’m amazed that…” or “I’m so grateful that….”  In fact, you can make up a list of words and phrases to replace, “I can’t believe.” 

When you make gratitude a habit, miracles will soon become a habit. This is not wishful thinking, it is inevitable. “Amazing” is your birthright. Own it. ~Silas

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