Friday, April 18, 2014

Little Commitments

Changing your life is a complex business. You may find yourself stopping and starting, committing to something new, and then forgetting about it the next day. 

This is in your nature. Routines and constant repetition are what will bring you success. Practicing an instrument or a new song or faithfully visualizing while repeating affirmations takes determination, but it is the best way to get there. 

You resist change because you want this routine. Your current routine, or lack thereof, is comfortable and feels safe, but it is not bringing you that which you desire. Your spirit knows that routine is the key to success, so you tend to fall into routines, even unhealthy ones. Your change will ideally become a new routine. In order to get there, however, you must break with the old one.

It is the most challenging thing you can do, but the doing will change your life. Hopefully in a good way if you are making positive choices. 

It takes several weeks to ingrain a new habit. This is what can be discouraging. That is a long time to be disciplined; to wake up early or turn off your television. It is a long time to spend without your favorite snacks or foods that are tasty, but not healthy.

Give yourself a smaller commitment. Try your new thing for 1 day. Commit to that day and do what you hope will become part of your life. 

When you are done, celebrate. Pat yourself on the back. Then try for two days. If you don’t succeed, relax. Try again another day.

Keep adding more days to the commitment until the new habit has become a part of your life.

Then add another goal and use the same process.

Celebrate your little successes and jump back in and try again when you do not succeed. 

Ask why you do not succeed on some days. They may give you the answer you need to reach your goal.

If you are alive on Earth at this time, you are among the elite of souls. Many on both sides of the veil are pushing for you.
Do not allow small setbacks to deter you. You are here to grow and achieve. Success is your birthright, prosperity is always around you.

Own your divinity, and never give up. Graduation day will be glorious. ~Silas

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