Saturday, May 18, 2013

Drama, Tragedy and Bad Hair Days

Your lives on this Earth, are a series of high and low points. It is a game, and as in all games, there are tests. It is hard to avoid these tests unless you want to live in a cave on the side of a mountain. Do not blame yourselves for these tests. Do not run from them. Sometimes the biggest gains require the biggest risks. Unfortunately, when your life is safe, you are unwilling to take them.

The Universe is madly in love with you and wants to give you only the best. A lukewarm existence is not good enough. So sometimes, just as one who loves you will do, it gives you a little push. When you are far out of your comfort zone, or have reached a "rock bottom" moment, you are more likely to act.

If you push aside the fear and drama, you can see the lesson clearly. Then it is up to you. You can continue to lash out at the spiritual "fairy godparent" who is trying to give you an amazing gift, or you can accept it. Wrinkled, plain paper wrapping and all.

Fear and judgment (which is also fear in a different package), are the biggest obstacles you face in preventing you from seeing these gifts. You might fear an uncertain future, even if you do not like your present, or make the judgment that something is too hard or not conventional. Failure at, or loss of a job might prompt you to find a better one that you love. The end of a romantic relationship might open the door for real love to come through.

Sometimes, when you have finally made a decision, you will encounter a glitch or unpleasant situation. Do not judge or doubt yourself. Do not rush to the conclusion that you have acted in error. Sometimes the Universe is simply making sure that the door to the past stays closed. Do not try to pick the lock. Walk away. Your dream may lie behind the next door.

Think to the biggest failures, or struggles in your life. How did they change your life? What did you learn about yourself and the situation? Did you fight the unpleasant event? Or let go and start in a new direction?

What is the biggest tragedy that could befall you right now? How would you react? Why would it be a tragedy? And what will you do about it right now? Be brave, take risks, and accept the gift Spirit is offering you. This would make the Universe so happy!

Jinnzania's side notes: So many times in my life, I've fought to keep a bad situation in my life. I'd know it was wrong for me and I needed move on, but I'd just hang on tighter fighting to grind that square peg into the round hole while the Universe was trying to hand me a barrel full of round pegs, if I'd only let go and take them.

I recently had a rough day at work. One of those days where you ask, "So, why am I doing this again?" I got really depressed and had a little meltdown in my office. So I asked, "Why is this happening?" The answer that came was that I was leaving that job soon (contract work), and that I had already decided to relocate and find one closer to my friends and family. The Universe was just reminding me of that, as I had recently applied for a job in my current area. Suddenly it made perfect sense. I had made the right decision but now I was looking backwards. I took a deep breath, reaffirmed my decision to move back home, then finished my lunch break and returned to the office. When I returned, I received a hug from my coworker and was reassured that my work was just fine and my contribution to the project was valued. Just a little change of attitude and all the drama went away. *Sigh* ....And the Oscar goes to..........

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