You enjoy your food and drink. We do not blame you. We would love to experience it as you do, but our bodies do not allow it.
Fine, rich food and drink are a wonderful way to celebrate special occasions. Your body can recuperate from such indulgences. It is part of the human experience.
The problem is when indulgence is a daily ritual. Some of you can eat and drink all you want and hardly feel the effects, others will feel sluggishness, a suppression of the immune system, guilt and an expansion of the waist line. So, why do something that is bad for you?
You are hungry, and thirsty. Not in your physical body, but in your emotions and your spiritual energy. Your bodies have mechanisms that tell you when you should not eat something, or when you have had enough. Your emotions have no such mechanisms. The need must be satisfied. If you will not deal with your inner hunger, you will eat, drink, take drugs or engage in casual sex until the need is satisfied. Then you have the vicious cycle of guilt which causes more bad feelings which need to be quieted.
So, the answer is: alternative fuel sources. Gather a list of things that calm and comfort you things that do not damage your bodies. A warm bath, a walk in nature, a favorite sport, arts and crafts, journal writing, singing, dancing and so forth, can satisfy you without adding calories or toxins.
When you do eat or drink, make it a healthy celebration of colors and flavor. Eat and drink slowly, enjoying every morsel and sip. What is the point of indulging in a favorite food if you eat so absentmindedly that you do not enjoy it.
In fact, the whole point of three-dimensional existence is to enjoy it. Learn to enjoy life always, and your body will soon be a reflection of your inner beauty and happiness. Then your word "diet" will cease to be about depravation and revert to it's original meaning, which is simply, the foods that you regularly eat. We ask you to try this. You have nothing to lose, but pounds and pain. ~Silas
Jinnzania's side notes: I've been a chronic dieter my entire life. I've ignored dietary guidelines and been as much as fifty pounds overweight. I've compulsively dieted until I was a walking ninety-five pound skeleton. Eating everything I wanted did not make me happy, and being unnaturally thin did not help either.
I started walking, dancing, eating food I'd cooked rather than unwrapped. I started journaling and writing poetry. I improved the quality of my life as well as my food. Whenever I feel the need to indulge I make it something tasty and satisfying. I get the pint of gourmet ice cream instead of the gallon-sized, bland generic brand. I'll get a small bar of amazing, dark chocolate rather than a rubbery, over sweetened candy bar from the convenience store. More expensive, yes, so I eat less and enjoy it more. The results: I haven't been that heavy since. I've gained and lost a bit, and my life hasn't been perfect, but I always find myself, and get back to my good habits. I found that it's not only responsible, but an act of self-love. What could be more satisfying than that?
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