Friday, August 16, 2013

The Truth Is in There

There was a time when your news media was held accountable for the facts it would present.  Anything broadcast or put into writing, had to be verified or it couldn’t be made public. 

Today, anyone can write a story and put it on the Internet. No fact-checking needed.  It can be unbiased and well-researched, or invented to support the writer’s opinion or viewpoint.  All you need is a computer and a few basic skills and you can present yourself as an expert, even if you are not.

Trying to find the truth under these circumstances can be a challenge that will give you a migraine. You find some evidence only find out that the source is either suspect or blatantly biased. So, what do you do?

Well my dear, human friends, the time has arrived. It is time to take your decision making skills back from the mainstream media, your churches, your politicians and your families.

Go into the attic and find the dusty old hatbox in which you left your thinking cap.  You will find that it’s still there and it still fits. 

Your brain works perfectly well with no outside help telling it what to think.  It can, however, benefit from  inside help. 

Many of you have lost touch with your intuition, or  “gut instinct”. Sit quietly and breathe. Get in touch with how your body feels. Feel your muscles, your joints, your skin sensations and your breath.

Then ask your body what “yes” feels like. Note differences in energy and pressure.  Do you feel heat or tingling anywhere in your body? You might even get an accompanying mental image that will show you what the energy looks like, its color, shape and texture.  If all you get is a feeling, that’s fine. Thank your body and remember the feeling.

Next, ask your body what “no” feels like. Note the changes and sensations. Practice this body question and answer game. Use it to make small decisions.  Should you eat an apple or a peach? Should you take the normal route to work or the scenic one? You have just become a human truth detector.
When you are faced with new information ask-  truth (yes), not truth (no). This way you can determine whether the information is useful or not.

As you practice, you will begin to trust yourself more and your intuition will grow stronger. Your fears will decrease, and you will empower yourself with the ability to make good decisions based on information that you can trust. 

Your heart and your gut will tell you. The truth is in there. ~Silas

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