Monday, August 12, 2013

Wax On, Wax Off

A pivotal scene in the movie, "The Karate Kid" occurs when the lead character confronts his teacher about a series of mundane tasks he has been asked to perform. The student feels that he is learning nothing and wasting his time. His teacher soon shows him the benefits of starting at the beginning and learning the fundamentals through practice and repetition.

When seeking psychic or spiritual knowledge, it is not uncommon for a student to hastily practice the fundamental skills of grounding and protecting oneself. These are not as much fun as the other work to come. The seeker will often do a half-hearted practice then jump ahead to more advanced skills. Eventually, they come back when they realize how important these skills actually are.

In practicing spiritual work, you are moving away from a grounded state. Your consciousness is pulled upward. You are anchoring one end of a rope. If you do not hold it firmly, you will lose your grip and possibly be lost or injured.

Think of a seed. It must be grounded before it can grow, otherwise, it will be carried away by the wind. It needs protection or it will be eaten by birds. To grow effectively, it needs to be connected to a place on Earth. It can be planted in soil or in a hydroponic medium. It just needs an anchor, and protection from predators and the elements until it can sprout. Then, it can send up shoots that will grow into whatever plant it is destined to be.

Grounding and protecting, do not make you less spiritual. They increase your ability to use your spiritual gifts while still in your human body.

We across the veil, reach down to you to make contact. You need to be fully and completely grounded to handle this energy. Otherwise, you will be pulled from your foundation and become energetically scattered. This makes you a less effective messenger or channel for spiritual energy. To others on Earth, you will seem to be walking in a fog. Your words and actions will seem trivial and ineffective. You will be open to the influences of people and spiritual forces that would use you for selfish purposes.

Psychic abilities, channeling and visions are tools that you may use to improve your life and help others in need. Use them when you need them. Turn them off when you're done. You are not dismissing or losing them, just saving your batteries. They will recharge when you chose to use them. It is ok to unplug. The outlet will still be there the next time you need it, and your electrical bill will be smaller.

Protect yourself always. You have an important job that no one else can do. We are counting on you. ~Silas

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