Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Your Reality Belongs to You

It can be hard to always keep a positive attitude. You want to visualize the best possible outcome, but those around you are telling you it’s just not likely or not possible.

When this happens, keep smiling. Honor the resistance and know that if you feel affected by it, there is some block or negative place within your consciousness that needs to be moved.

Think about what was said. Why did it bother you?

If you are constantly complaining that those around you are negative, look within. If you are noticing and feeling, then there is something inside of you that believes it to be true.

Take the feeling inward. Try to locate it. Don’t fear it, you are not bringing it to life, you are cleaning it out and releasing it.

Does it stem from a childhood fear? An early work experience? Something said to you by an authority figure you trusted?

That is their reality. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to make it yours.

Release what you don’t want, think about what you do want. Enjoy the feeling as you would a gourmet meal.
Feel all of the grandness of the experience. Touch it, smell it, taste it! Walk around behaving as you would if you already had it. 

What kind of posture would you assume? What attitude would you have? How would you feel when you walked into a room full of people, knowing that you are living your dream?

Do this daily. Remind yourself often. 

Do not let the realities of others invade yours.

Let them enjoy their dramas. Perhaps they like a good challenge. Don’t judge, just thank them silently, for the information they have given you about yourself. 

Use it to create the life of your dreams. Then if they ask, you can share your reality with them.

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