Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Forgiving- For You

One of the reasons we hold on to unforgiveness is that we, on some level, have a belief that the other person will see what they've done to us or try to make amends in some way. This is a lovely thought, but highly unlikely if the friendship or relationship has ended. If they were truly worthy of your love and friendship, they would have done it by now.

Chances are, they are not thinking about you at all, or they are creating a scenario or script in their heads in which you are the "bad guy". 

Sometimes it helps to voice your feelings about how you've been hurt, revisit what they have done to you or plot a fitting revenge (but only in your mind).  It can be a good temporary strategy, in the beginning. 

At some point, however, it becomes like pouring out a bucket of your tears into a stagnant pool of water. Your bucket will be empty (until the next rainstorm), but they just sit in the water, becoming poisoned by the pollution in the pond. 

If you must bring up the past, do it for a positive purpose. Pour the energy into art, poetry, music; find your own creative channel to express your grief. Take positive examples from it. Stress lessons you have learned. Warn the vulnerable, but only when it is appropriate to help them.

Empty your bucket into a spring, which will pump it out into a river and, eventually, into the ocean. 

Soon this new positive goal will become your mission and you will forget all about.....hmmm....What were we talking about?  <3 Fairy Giggles<3

Jinnzania's side notes: I had a very profound spiritual experience this weekend. In meditation, I asked for help with an issue I'd been struggling with for more than a year. I've been holding on to pain connected to a person who had hurt me very deeply. The answer I got was that I was giving the person more attention than they deserved. The energy I was putting into this anger, resentment and pain was blocking my creativity and keeping me from seeing the bright future that the Universe has prepared for me. All this for a con artist who only pretended to be my friend. The forgiveness was for me. 

Forgiving a person does not condone their actions. You can forgive the person who steps on your foot. That does not mean inviting them to do it again, or encouraging them to step on the feet of others. You rub away the pain in your toes and start walking again as soon as it feels a little better. You would not look down at your foot and wail, "WHY!?!"  

So, why do we treat our hearts this way?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Inner Space Race

Space, the spiritual frontier. You save it, you open it, you create it, or you hold it. If you want to manifest something, you must make space for it, otherwise, it will pass you by, looking for a place to land. The space can be in your home, your heart, your bank account or your life. 

Leaving space is good. It opens up a vacuum, which will capture your vision, and bring it to life. 

That is also why you must be cautious with it. If you hold a space, you want to be somewhat specific. "I want love!" might get you a stray kitten. Good, if that's what you want. " I want money!" might get you a winning lottery ticket. For two dollars. If you hold a space for someone else's creation, you must be willing to accept that their vision might be different from yours. 

Be as specific as you can be, and create with joy. Creating with need and desperation often bring about inferior results. Ask for what you want, but be open to something better. If you get it wrong, or manifest something you don't want, have a sense of humor. Spirit is very literal, and human mistakes can be quite funny. Don't be offended. Laugh with Spirit. Then try again. Think of it as a game, for that is exactly what it is. Bolder moves yield bigger gains, but never stop playing or your turn will be skipped, and you will definitely lose. 

Always remember that the game is meant to be fun. If it isn't then you're not playing it right.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Garden of Miracles

 Visualization is an amazing tool. It is the blueprint for your garden. Without it you cannot know whether to plant vegetables, flowers or trees. You would just be looking at a patch of dirt of possibility. Visualization is what  begins the process. 

It is not ony the act of planning the garden, but of buying the seed as well. But it is only through our conscious gardening that the seed can grow. If we do not add water or fertilizer, we are just hoping that the elements will do their thing and, magically, a garden will spring up from the dirt.  Generally , this is not the case. The best gardens come from not only planning, but careful tending as well. 

It is not enough to know what you want, you must take steps toward your goal. It might be as simple as a little practice. Singing in the shower, dancing in your living room, writing a paragraph a day, walking down the street, just something. Then you can begin to see how the garden is growing. 

You might decide to change the arrangement of plants. Add more fertilizer to some, less to others. Weed daily, and always water. 

That little bit of action starts the growth process on all levels. You don't have to take giant steps and change your life all at once. Baby steps are often the way to see what you really want and start manifesting it. 

So think of your life as a garden. What do you want growing in abundance? What do you want to use as a border? Do you want a garden that creates edible food, or just one that is pretty to look at? 

Make a decision  of what you want, right here and now. Take a step in that direction, even if it is only for yourself.  Then, watch what blooms in response to your action. If you like it, keep going, if not, then pull it out and plant something else. Just don't neglect the garden and expect it to produce miracles. Miracles can happen by chance, but not often. True miracles happen most often when we use our minds, hearts and hands in concert, and for those who have discovered this magic, they happen every day.

Jinnzania's side notes:

I don't usually write when I've had a full glass of Schnapps, but when inspiration strikes, you have to go with it, dizziness, typos and all. Not something I even care to repeat, but sometimes we have to have an experience to decide if we like it or not. Experience is what life is about and it helps to be willing to make mistakes. Taking actions, however small, can get the energy moving in the right direction. Then, like in any good science experiment or learning experience, you look at the results,evaluate and repeat if you like what is going on. "Wrong" is only a judgement, and you will always be "wrong", if you never try. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

This is a test. 

No, it's actually not a test, it is a school, a game, a playground.......

This is life. On a beautiful planet called Earth. All souls who come here for the experience are privileged. You can't come here without a plan. The Earth Admissions Office insists upon it. There is work to be done, but as you have chosen the lessons and the curriculum, it should be a pleasure, even when much study is involved. 

The campus is large and beautiful for a reason: you are meant to enjoy yourselves. Failure to do that is a waste of a precious opportunity. Times can appear rough, but all around you are opportunities for joy. You don't even need look for them. You have only to open your eyes. 

What brings you joy? You might be surprised to find out that material things are not high on the list. Start with small things. A scented bath, a walk in nature, a conversation with a friend, dancing in your living room, reading a book. Find these things often and let your joy grow. The lessons will still be there, whether you are enjoying your life or not. 

Life 101 is not open to every soul who would like to come here. If it was we would be standing shoulder to shoulder across the planet. Don't waste this opportunity. Do your job, study your lessons and be happy. 

Jinnzania's side notes:

Sometimes it's easier to be the messenger than to actually live and embrace the message. Even as this came to me (in the parking lot, ten minutes before work), a deluge of, "what ifs" and "buts" flooded into my brain. My dream is to one day write and get paid enough to support myself solely by the words that I type onto the screen. As I sat own to write my report this morning, I realized that I'm already being paid to write. Only the location and the words need to change. I put on some music and started to see the creative process in what I usually considered to be a mundane, boring task. When I needed a break, I went outside and took a walk. I noticed what a beautiful day it was, the air was clear and colors were vibrant. I even took an extra lap around the parking lot and realized how much I was enjoying exercise (another usually mundane chore). As I approached the front door, I found three pennies. Now I'm getting paid to take a walk! Cool!