Monday, September 30, 2013

Turn, Turn, Turn

It is a common mistake to believe that the expression, “Turn the other cheek”, represents an act of weakness or acceptance.

It is in fact, an act of strength. 

It takes a strong person to look beyond the ego and recognize the frightened soul inside that the ego is protecting. 

An act of revenge serves no one.  It tells the other that their ego was correct in its judgment and that their beliefs about you were true.

A stronger act is not to act. Inaction, that comes from a place of love, is more powerful than action that comes from fear. 

Those who would judge based on the fearful act that they can see or the fear-filled words they hear, will be revealed for who they really are. 

Those with the best and most loving eyes can see through the fear and vengeance and recognize the loving act of inaction. 

If those around you are moved to act from fear and vengeance, be moved from your heart and be still in a place of love.

In the end, the peace and love you create will return to you multiplied. ~Silas

Friday, September 27, 2013

Dream a Little Dream.....

Sometimes the Universe slows you down as you approach a goal you have been working to manifest. 

This is not out of cruelty, but love. 

The problems you have come from your thoughts. If your thoughts do not change, problems will persist and you will bring them into the new situation, job or relationship. 

Then, when a new love, more money or a great career comes into your life, you will think, "Perhaps this isn't what I wanted."

Trust your first instincts. If want something with all your heart, it is your birthright to have it and to enjoy it.

Don't dilute future joy with present problems. 

Resolve your emotional issues now, not when you can afford a self-help book or workshop. If those are what you need, one will fall into your hand. 

You have what you need to heal your life within you right now. Ask what needs to be released. Work through it and let go.

Move into your new life without heavy burdens.

Only then, can you create the future you've been dreaming of, and enjoy it as much as you enjoy your dreams. ~Silas

Thursday, September 26, 2013

You Will Survive

You often feel pain, not because you are weak, but because you are brave.

You are an able-bodied (and minded) soul who has come to Earth to work and learn.  This is a noble pursuit. You are a fine scholar and a powerful warrior on a level that you cannot fully appreciate.

The problem is, the pain.  When it hits, you tell yourself it is because you are weak and unworthy of feeling pleasure.

You are a soldier fighting a battle with gaping, bloody wounds telling yourself, “Stop whining, don’t be a baby. You can do better.” 

It is because you are powerful that you are able to talk yourself into the belief that you are weak. Then you let others talk you into it as well.

It is not uncommon for a powerful, experienced soul to be laid low by a less experienced one. 

The less experienced soul sometimes creates a powerful ego personality to protect it. It attacks and takes advantage of others because it is fearful of pain. 

It is so fearful, in some cases, that it thinks a little pain will kill it. 

Like a bird that puffs up its feathers to look larger and put on an intimidating display so as to scare away those that might hurt it, this frightened soul, makes itself appear larger than life to avoid real pain.

If you encounter a soul such as this, look beyond the outer ego’s display. Know that it is just an act, a defense from attack for a young, inexperienced soul that is trying to learn just as you are.

Send love to the soul. Forgive it for any harm you have felt, but do not engage the ego or try to play its game. 

You will never win. The best strategy is not to play. 

Remember that even if you have played and lost, the pain you feel reflects your strength and courage. You can choose to have only easy lessons, but sometimes a lesson learned through pain can be a quick and powerful way to move forward along your path.

You know you will survive. The immature soul is still learning that. 

Be patient, be brave, learn your lessons and don’t repeat the mistakes. The pain gets less each time and recovery is quicker.

Do not envy the one who harmed you. You would not want to walk their path. 

Why should you. You’ve already been there. ~Silas

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Paradise Now

Your planet is a paradise. It is a living, breathing being.

You are one with her.

With the effect of karma, what you do to the Earth Mother, affects you.

You have given to her, your pain, your physical and emotional garbage.

You have harmed her children, the creatures and humans who live on this plane.

In our realm, we feel it also.

You have been told, that this damage is irreversible. Nothing is irreversible, that is judgment talking.

There are physical things that you can do to help. 

Appreciate Her gifts of food, water and material things. Do not waste them.

Do not kill off entire forests or species, for that karma will return to you.

That is the assignment for your entire species, do not be intimidated by it. Simply do your part. 

Send her love and healing energy. Notice the flowers and the beauty of the sky, the waters and the trees. Be kind to the animals you encounter.

Your intention is more important that you can imagine. By “intention” we do not mean, “think about doing it”, but rather, “do it with feeling.” 

You are here, and right now, you have within you the power to do what needs to be done.

Take small actions daily, the results will astonish you, and don’t forget to regularly, “call in” to Mother Earth in your meditations. She misses you.

Send her love, send her healing, you are connected. When you heal Mother Earth, you, yourself, will feel healing. 

You both need this very much. ~Silas

Monday, September 23, 2013

Feel it, Believe it, Know it!

The greatest spiritual skill you can ever have is trust. 

Know that when you have exhausted choices A and B a third choice, C is always waiting.

It is not yet seen or even imagined, but it is the perfect one for you. Ask for it, and trust that it will come to you in the perfect time. Feel it, believe it, know it!

Never give up when you are nearly there. ~Silas

Sunday, September 22, 2013

If You Want Something Different, Then Try Something Different

When your life feels stagnant and you seem to be going nowhere, try a change of scenery.

Go out in nature, find a coffee shop, bookstore or shopping area that you have never been to and enjoy the experience.

Do something you’ve never tried before and look at the world through the wide-open receptive eyes of a child. 

If you’re happy with your life as it is, then continue what you are doing. If you are wanting something different, you must first do something different.

Your energy will shift and new things will come into your life.  Try something new today and every day.
You will open door that you never knew existed. ~Silas