Sunday, October 26, 2014

Life is Change

When you decide to change something in your life, prepare for a challenge. 

That is not to discourage you, but rather to inform. Any good worthwhile change, will have a challenge attached to it. The trick is not to give up when you are challenged, believing that you have reached an impasse.

If all things in life were easy, you would do the right thing immediately. Change is difficult. It is also the way life works. 

You can look at your life and see what is not working and make a change, or you can wait until it becomes impossible to continue the way you have been and Life will force your hand.

Either way, the change is made, but if you make it yourself, then you get to control it. You will decide how fast and how far you will go. You can power through the difficulties, or take a slow and more comfortable pace.

Lasting change for the better takes time. Have faith in your decisions and do not let the doubts of others dissuade you.

You may be wrong. You may try to make a change and find that it is not in your best interest.

You are allowed to be wrong. Trying something new comes with that risk. Learn to let go of ego, hold up your head and say, "Yes, I was wrong. I will try something else now." 

Do not give your power away to the opinions of others. 

A baby will make hundreds of mistakes before learning to walk, but if he gave up, he would be doomed to a life of immobility. His freedom and choices would be limited.

As will it be for you, if you go through your life with the idea of surviving rather than succeeding.

You did not come to Earth to lead a life of mediocrity. You are a star that fell from the heavens to shine its unique light upon the planet.

Decide how you want to shine that light, then take a step, no matter how small, to make it happen. 

The hard steps are always the first ones. As you train your muscles, the next ones will be easier. 

Soon, your new routine will be change, and you will find yourself living the life of your dreams, or at least, walking down a pleasant path to get there. ~Silas

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Part of the Dance

Life is a dance. 

There are carefully practiced, precise steps, body postures and attitudes. 

There are also, wild, unexpected surprise improvisational  sections.

You can plan everything perfectly, and suddenly, the wrong music is played. The CD skips or there is a worn spot in the carpet that you trip over.

Most of the great things in life have an unexpected element of surprise. To wish for a calm and orderly life is to wish away the greatness that could be.

Learn to dance through the surprises. Be flexible in your scheduling to allow for the unexpected. Smile. Keep your sense of humor.

And as the saying goes, "If you stumble, make it part of the dance." ~Silas

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Between You and the Divine

Continually, you fight over your spiritual practices. 

Laws are created to protect some practices while restricting others. What this proves, and what you reflect to the world, is that your faith is weak.

If you have a strong connection to the Divine, by whichever name you call it; that connection can never be severed.

You fight not for the right to your spiritual practices, but for the right to practice them in front of others and to force others to practice as you do.

Long before there was religion, there was safety in numbers. 

A united group, with similar beliefs and ideas was less likely to be killed by a predator, and the larger the group, the more it would be able to assert its domination over others.

The practices you hold dear, are older than religion itself. 

Much like the caveman (or woman), the time has come to put down your spears and realize that you do belong to one group: the human race.

You are all headed in the same direction even if you choose separate paths. You can discover this now, or wait until your fears have resulted in the very devastation and death you have been worried about.

There are as many religions as there are people on Earth, for each, despite his spiritual practice, has a unique connection to Spirit. No one else experiences this connection in exactly the same way.

Spirituality should always make you feel lighter, stronger and more connected to life and those around you. If your practice makes you fearful or angry, then perhaps you should rethink it.

There is a better way. It is the path of love......for all, those you hate and those you agree with. No one can take your Divine experience away from you,

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Across the Veil

We are quickly approaching a time of year when the veil between worlds becomes thinner. This has happened for centuries, but at this time on Earth, the re-thickening will not occur.

For those who are waking up, this is good news. Your gifts will continue to grow. Your messages and insights from beyond the veil will increase both in number and accuracy. 

It is as though you are going from a telegraph communication to a high-speed internet. 

This change will be a challenge, but if you are expecting it, you will breeze through and have tremendous spiritual growth at this time.

For those not yet awakened, there will be confusion and fear. They will feel constant distractions and an inability to focus. 

Those who have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder or Autism Spectrum Disorder (disorder being your word not ours), will have an easier time as they are already accustomed to living in what seems to be a chaotic environment.

Their coping mechanisms will be helpful if you are open to them.

If you are feeling fear, turn within and let go, for you are holding onto a rock in the river that is preventing you from being pulled along by the current to a safe and beautiful shore.

Meditate daily, whether in the form of sitting still, walking or dancing. This will teach you to practice non-attachment and allow you to flow with the coming changes.

Do not be distracted, by the media and by the dramas of those around you. You always have an oasis of peace within you. That is truth. That is reality.

You will not leave this world yet. It is important to use the power of your actions. Purchase wisely and vote your conscience. Show love and compassion to those around you who are in chaos and fear.

It may appear that all is lost, but that often happens just before the final victory. Don't give up.  ~Silas

Friday, October 3, 2014

Last Day

Here is a game to play today.

Today, live, act and plan as though it were your last day on Earth.

This sounds easy, yes? You will grab your bucket list and begin to read off of the list.

Ahhhhhh! But there is a catch! Today is a work day and you must go to work. You have only the resources available to you right now.

No tragedy awaits you. At the end of the day, the angels will guide you home and ask you what you have managed to accomplish.

Will you watch the clock from your work desk? Or enjoy, the purpose that your job serves, the lives that you touch?

Will you scowl impatiently at those you encounter, or smile at everyone, knowing that you won't see another human in a few hours.

Will you come home and wait for the end? Watch television, write a poem, sing, dance, take a long walk in the forest or break out the oil paints that you have been saving for, "when I have the time."

Practice this today. See what occurs to you. You may not accomplish everything, but do what you can with the time you've got. 

When you wake up in the morning to find out you are still on Earth, put your hands to  your heart, bow your head and thank the Divine for this beautiful gift of another 24 hours.

And whatever you do, do not waste it. ~Silas