Those of you who feel powerless are demonstrating the greatest power you possess: The power of illusion.
Thousands of years of civilization and indoctrination have convinced you that you are a powerless being and a victim of circumstances.
You hear of "miraculous" stories of people that for a brief time remembered who they were.
They avoided getting onto planes that were destined to crash. They stopped themselves from walking in front of cars or going to dangerous places. A "hopeless" situation is resolved in an amazing way.
When all seemed to be lost, they turned inward and reached out to their guides to help them access their incredible power and it was done.
It is always done. This is a miracle, and miracles can and will happen everyday and often.
This does not give you the right to judge others. You can only be responsible for your own experience. If another is struggling then demonstrate your power, not to rescue them, but to shine a light to guide their way.
There is no time that you cannot access this power. Occasionally, your Higher Self or Angels and guides will intervene and discourage you when your requests will bring harm to you and others, but the ultimate decision on how and when to use your power rests with you.
So take a deep breath, put on your cape and fly! We on this side of the veil are always proud of you when you do so. ~Silas
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