Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fair Compensation

Money is not a bad thing, as many of you have been taught to believe.  It is, or was intended to be, a description of work that you’ve done. You can work with your physical body, your logical mind, or your creative imagination.

Those who give and receive money, like authors, can write an accurate detailed description of the energy that you have expended.  They can also exaggerate or downplay your efforts, depending on their generosity and  integrity (or lack thereof).  

Fair compensation gives you a sense of satisfaction.  It makes the work you’ve done feel worth it. There is no resentment for taking too little or guilt for taking too much.  You have enough to meet all of your expenses and a surplus to enjoy. There is nothing wrong with that.

The problem is your attitude about money.  Many of you believe that it is evil and that it makes people do bad things. This can be true, but not all people who have money are greedy and out of touch. 
Some believe that money is a privilege granted to those who work very hard or very smart. They believe that those who do not have it are stupid or lazy.  Not all of the poor are in that situation because of a refusal to work or inability to do quality work. 

In truth, money is paper (or metal).  You have great earning potential within you.  Just drop all of your worries and decide what your job is in this world. Work at that job.  Perhaps it is service, or healing work. Perhaps you like to entertain and inspire.  Try on your passion.  Do you want to be a singer? Then sing. Sing for yourself, for friends, your children and pets, or at a spiritual gathering or charity event. Do you want  to be a dancer? Then dance, in your living room, at a night club or gathering.  You are not dancing your life away, just feeling the sensation. What would it feel like to do this for a living? Set aside some time and follow your passion with intention.  Allow the Universe to guide you to your career path. Remembering that you must take action when guided to do so, and be open to options presented to you that you may not have considered.

As for compensation, money is just one form.  You might not get paid directly for what you do, but the Universe will honor your beliefs about money and how much or how little you feel you deserve. You may find that you receive unexpected gifts, a hand-me-down of something you desperately needed, a small lottery win or a check or money you had misplaced. Pay attention to these compensations and be grateful.  They will usually increase if you do.

Money is no more evil than a blank piece of paper.  That paper can be used to write a birth certificate, a friendly letter, a death decree, or a great story.  It’s up to you.  What story do you want to tell? ~Silas   

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