Monday, November 18, 2013

Believe in Your Magic

So, you believe that there is no magic in the world, and yet here you sit.  

What do you believe are the odds of all of the energy that formed the atoms that make up the cells and organs in your body would randomly come together to form the person who it sitting in a chair now reading these words.

The odds of the Earth forming and placing itself at the perfect distance from the sun to allow the formation of life are incalculable.

You are a miracle. Every breath you take is pure magic.

Why then do you feel that you cannot affect magical change in the world around you?

As the walking miracle you are, your intentions and actions have great power.

Use that power with love and responsibility. When you wave your wand, you will get what you ask for. 

Do not allow random thoughts to dilute and hijack your magic. 

Imagine that you are sitting, wand in hand, working at your computer and sipping coffee.

As you think about what is on your computer screen, you wave your wand.

Suddenly, the room is filled with items you did not request. Things that were advertised on the side bar, negative energy from arguments and stressful things you have read; things you were trying very hard NOT to create.

That is how very powerful you are! 

So use your magic. Focus on what you want. Wave your wand via meditation, visualization, affirmations, vision boards or ceremonies. 

You are a walking miracle. You defied all odds to get here. You sit here due to countless synchronicities, that have guided your life so far.

You are not here to hide your light and be weak. You are powerful beyond your ability to imagine.
Pick up your wand and get to work. The Earth needs your magic. ~Silas

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