Saturday, February 1, 2014

It's Okay to Hug a Tree

You make jokes about being barefoot and hugging trees, yet this is your natural state.

Staying indoors can become an addiction. Much like eating food that is not healthy, you may get a "rush" from air conditioning and television. You may feel uncomfortable out of doors and miss the security and climate control of staying inside.

Like eating nutritious food and exercising, it may take a while to feel good outside. You may fear the "burn" of the sun or the dirt beneath your feet, but try it for some time each day.

Soon you will find it helps you to stay grounded. You will enjoy the tickling feeling of wind on your face, appreciate the warmth of the sun and find visual pleasure in the sights and sounds of nature.

Consciously go outside every day and breathe the fresh air. Fill your heart with loving thoughts and send them down into Mother Earth. Breathe in more love and send it up to Father Sky. Then quiet your mind stay still and breathe. 

Feel the response that returns to you and know that you are an indispensable part of nature. 

You are loved, you are life, you are right where you the family. ~Silas

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