When you are taking care of another person, you might find that sometimes your time is limited. However, if the person is someone you love or are trying to start a relationship with, you will usually find the time.
With yourself, you might take a short cut.
You no longer have that luxury as you are embarking on a romantic, loving relationship with you.
Do not give in to the temptation to cut corners or allow others to interfere with your "me" time. It is in the taking of this time that you become the kind of person who can better help, assist and love others.
What you do for you is just as important as what you do for another. Your own fuel tank must be filled if you want to drive and also if you intend to take others along with you.
If you need a little quiet time, take it! If you need the time to prepare a healthy meal, take it! If you need to get help and therapy for your personal issues take it!
As you become a better person, you have more gifts to share with the world. You can do a better job of healing others when you get the healing you need, in whatever form that must take.
You will also find that it is easier to love yourself when you do these things and that is the ultimate goal.
So make the time today, to take care of your dearest love. You. In doing so, you will be creating a better world. Being a Lightworker begins on the inside. ~Silas
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