Friday, January 20, 2017

Life Alchemy: The Next Step

Now that you are a Life Alchemist, turning all of the “base metal” situations your life hands you into gold, what is next?

Will people find out about your talents and look for ways to exploit them? Will others continually bring you a steady stream of lead until you are overwhelmed trying to transform it all? 

There are reasons that alchemists work in secret.You may not have gold to covet, but people might be attracted to your joy and positive attitude.

You can shield yourself from undesirable energies, but as your vibration rises, you will find less of them attracted to you. 

The next step in your Alchemy mastery is to turn lower quality gold in to that of a higher quality. The original challenges are easily transmuted and self-mastery becomes an achievable goal.

Your learning continues while you are on Earth, but as you learn the hard skills necessary for the Alchemy craft, you will start, refining and polishing your work. 

You can discover metals more desirable than gold as you expand your energy into other dimensions and open all of your psychic as well as physical senses.

Your limits exist only in your head. So it is time to get out of your head and start the magical transformation process! And today is as good a day as any! ~Silas

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