When you decide to change something in your life, prepare
for a challenge.
That is not to discourage you, but rather to inform. Any
good worthwhile change, will have a challenge attached to it. The trick is not
to give up when you are challenged, believing that you have reached an impasse.
If all things in life were easy, you would do the right
thing immediately. Change is difficult. It is also the way life works.
You can look at your life and see what is not working and make a change, or you can wait until it becomes impossible to continue the
way you have been and Life will force your hand.
Either way, the change is made, but if you make it yourself,
then you get to control it. You will decide how fast and how far you will go.
You can power through the difficulties, or take a slow and more comfortable
Lasting change for the better takes time. Have faith in your
decisions and do not let the doubts of others dissuade you.
You may be wrong. You may try to make a change and find that
it is not in your best interest.
You are allowed to be wrong. Trying something new comes with
that risk. Learn to let go of ego, hold up your head and say, "Yes, I was
wrong. I will try something else now."
Do not give your power away to the opinions of others.
A baby will make hundreds of mistakes before learning to
walk, but if he gave up, he would be doomed to a life of immobility. His
freedom and choices would be limited.
As will it be for you, if you go through your life with the
idea of surviving rather than succeeding.
You did not come to Earth to lead a life of mediocrity. You
are a star that fell from the heavens to shine its unique light upon the
Decide how you want to shine that light, then take a step,
no matter how small, to make it happen.
The hard steps are always the first ones. As you train your
muscles, the next ones will be easier.
Soon, your new routine will be change, and you will find
yourself living the life of your dreams, or at least, walking down a pleasant
path to get there. ~Silas
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