Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Strengthen Your Magnet

So, you are disappointed with Spirit? The new car, job, computer or shoes you have been working at manifesting has not come to you yet?

Can you feel it?

Close your eyes, imagine what you would like, and feel what it is like to have it. Walk into a store that you've always wanted to shop in and pick out the perfect outfit, complete with accessories. Imagine yourself walking down the street wearing it. How does it feel? How does the material flow? Can you see the faces of others admiring it?

Look for the car, purse, computer or sound system that you have been wanting, online.

Take a trip in your mind, imagine the speed with which you surf the Internet, hear the deep, rich sounds coming from your new speakers.

Then give thanks. Your consciousness doesn't realize that you don't have it yet. 

If you can keep your thoughts of what you wish for positive and strong, It will be attracted to you. Like attracts like. 

A magnet and metal are not exactly alike. The magnet vibrates at a frequency that attracts the metal object you are trying to get. The stronger the magnet, the more quickly the metal will be drawn to and eventually stick to it. 

Spend time every day strengthening your magnet. If you are dedicated to this task, what you desire will not only come to you, it will stick to you and you will not be able to get rid of it. 

You are already gifted at attracting things you don't want, so, simply, turn your thinking around. You may be asked to take action, but that action will only strengthen your magnet so do not resent it.

Be grateful and say, "Thank you!" with enthusiasm to Spirit for granting your wish. It has already happened and is rocketing its way towards you. 

We are very excited for you! Enjoy! ~Silas

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Glad to Be Sad

It troubles us, sometimes, to see you feeling sad or depressed. We understand why this happens for we are also sad sometimes.

The sadness is not who you are. It will pass if you let it. It will remain if you chose to hold onto it. 

Constant sadness is not you're natural state. If you cannot escape it, then enlist the help of a friend or counselor.

Most of you will have blue moments. Blue is one of many colors on the spectrum. It complements the reds and yellows, merges with the greens and violets. 

A life without a little blue would not be pleasant. 

Sadness is release. An ending that makes new beginnings possible.

It is cleansing rain, that clears away negative energy, allowing more room for love and light.

It is a pressure release valve that keeps your emotions from exploding.

Be glad that you can be sad, just don't live there.

There are too many other colors of the rainbow to explore. ~Silas

Monday, January 20, 2014

You Agreed to Play the Game

Why does Spirit not send me clear signs? Just tell me what to do!

This would seem like a simple request, yet you are not here to talk directly with the Divine Source as you would a friend standing next to you in three dimensional existence. Your purpose for being here is not to have all of your questions immediately answered or your every whim granted without delay.

If this were truly your desire, you would not be here. You could do this much more easily on the other side of the veil.

You were there once. Your soul wanted a challenge. You stood in the presence of the Divine and said, "I'm the one! Pick me! I am up for the task!"

You were chosen and sent here. That is the ultimate granting of a wish.

So, why let it stop there? This is what you asked for. It's time to make some magic!

You wanted to play the game, so here are the rules:

Love one another and yourself, do no harm, and bring your dreams to life on this planet.

"But, I've tried!" you insist. 

Stop trying, start playing the game.

You are not spoiled, you came here to work or you would not have been granted the privilege. Spiritual work is about creating Heaven on Earth and abundance and prosperity for all. So if you're not enjoying the experience, you still have work to do.

Imagine you are playing a mystery solving game. You are given clues to follow to resolve the mystery and get your reward. What fun would it be if the treasure were handed to you at the start? It would all be over too quickly and you would have learned nothing.

Jump in and play the game. Adventures await. Scary things might pop out and there may be stressful times, but they are only challenges added for your entertainment and growth. One day you will look back and say, "My how I have grown! Things are so much better now!"

Wherever you find yourself in life, be joyful, be appreciative and have adventures. 

Find happiness here and now. See problems as challenges that will give you knowledge and experience.

Look for signs from Spirit as clues. Follow them like birds and butterflies as you dance down the path of life.

You will learn many things and achieve many goals while you are here.

Don't rush to get to the end of the game. That will only put you on the other side, raising your hand for a chance to incarnate on Earth. 

Now that would be working too hard. ~Silas

Saturday, January 18, 2014

You've Got the Manifesting Blues

If you are struggling with your manifestations, it would probably trouble you to hear, that the Divine provides you with everything that you ask for.

Before you begin to swear, let us explain. 

The Divine is always standing ready to grant your requests. All of them, without fail. It is you who actually deny them.

Sometimes your focus may not be strong enough. You don't want the "thing" that badly. 

Sometimes, your ego convinces you that you want things that you cannot handle or would bring you more grief.

Your soul knows what you need in this life.  Surprisingly, your soul's needs are few, but as this life is meant to be fun, you are granted certain luxuries.
If something is truly not good for you, you will have trouble focusing on it. You will feel doubt and fear. You will hesitate. If you continue, you will get it, but it might not be what you want.

No, we are not playing psychological games with you. You play them with yourself. We often wonder why, but find it amusing to watch, unless you hurt yourself.

There is no difference between that which you must do in this life and that which you desire. You will always be granted the time, talents and resources to accomplish your life's purpose. 

If you want to know what you truly desire, then follow your passion. Play chase with it. Dance with it. Get to know and love it. Then bring it to life. You already have all that you need to accomplish this.

Do not work so hard on your manifestation attempts, work instead on your passion. That will lead you where you need to go.

And that is where you will find all that you are seeking now. ~Silas

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Putting Down the Gavel

You have many new churches and new spiritual philosophies that tell you they are free of judgment.

The word  “ judgment” is used as though it is something evil. 

If not for judgment, the human race would not exist. You would have walked through ancient fire pits and jumped off of high cliffs, believing nothing could harm you.

In this modern age, you would be walking in traffic which would be driving in all lanes , in different directions, crossing lines and running red lights.

Judgment, used effectively, is a good thing.

One of the first things and infant learns to do is judge.

He learns that a very loud wail will bring food and a clean diaper. She learns that if she cries, she will be picked up and cuddled.

All of childhood is spent in judgment.  A child learns that a stove is hot and can hurt. He learns that hitting others brings punishment or retaliation.

Judgment has a purpose. It is like a condiment in a meal. You need just the right amount. Too much will spoil the entire dish.

So, how can you tell when enough judgment is enough? Using the meal analogy, it is when you stop salting your own food and start sprinkling on your neighbor’s plate.

The purpose of judgment is to show how something affects you. If it does not affect you and you continue to hold on to judgment about it, then  you create chaos and separation.

“But what about injustice? Murder? Thievery?” you ask. 

Of course, you must take whatever action you feel moved to take.  Judgment comes when you demand that others do the same. 

You may feel  moved by a particular philosophy or religion. You may decide to join, attend services, write or blog about it. Good for you, if it serves to improve your life.

Just do not ask others to do the same. This is asking them to relinquish their right to free will. It is asking them to suspend their right to think for themselves and make their own decisions.

You may tell them what you feel, but you will cause separation if you run after them if they choose another path.  You will cause friction and anger if you insist that they see things your way.

Suggesting that their failure to see things your way is caused by a lack of intelligence will come back to you.  It will not likely be pleasant as karma does not teach that way.

So how do you resolve this judgment thing? We will not tell you as we do not wish to affect your free thinking, a but we would suggest that when you find yourself feeling judgmental about a person or situation or retaliating against judgment with judgment, ask yourself:  “How does this affect me?”
If it doesn’t, walk away. Find out why you are bothered. Then let it go.

It is our judgment that this will make you feel better, but do not take our word for it. Think and decide for yourself.

This is your right as a citizen of Earth.  Exercise it. ~Silas