Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Gift of Self-Control

There are times in your life where you relax, let go of the rules and just have fun.

You may dance, sing loudly, drink or eat foods that you normally don’t eat.

You say to yourself, “Enough of the rules, tonight I will let go and enjoy myself.”

Then you do. Until the next day when you wake up late and guilty and swear that you will never allow yourself that freedom again, but you do, eventually, and the cycle continues.

The real villain is not your craving, it is guilt. You keep yourself so tightly restricted that eventually, you grow tired and must loosen your grip.

Then you overindulge. You become a mindless machine that cannot turn itself off. You eat massive amounts of junk food, play hours of video games, drink until you are sick, then you enforce a state of famine.

Your body, mind and emotions feel deprived. This spiritual hunger grows until you can stand it no longer and you let go and indulge again.

To break this cycle, use your head. Practice doing the things you enjoy, mindfully. 

Try cutting your food into small bites and chew slowly. Enjoy the mixture of flavors, feel the food fill your stomach until you are satisfied.

If you drink, sip slowly. Feel the warmth of the liquid, the tingling on your tongue, the pleasant buzz in your head as the drink hits your bloodstream.

If it helps to think of this as a spiritual practice, go ahead. It is.

Whatever you do, be present. Give 100% of yourself to the task. Feel the satisfaction that results from a job well done. Marvel about the amazing feats you can accomplish when you pay attention to the task at hand.
Try this once a day, then more if you like. 

Slow down and capture every minute of this amazing life on Earth. It goes by very quickly.

Give your life more attention and you will find that you have all of the self-control that you need. 

What is that you say? You cannot do this? That is your guilt talking.

Have a cookie. Take small bites, chew, enjoy. That should quiet him down.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Future Will Be There

You have many beautiful things right in front of you. We often wonder why you chose to live your life in the future.

It is all right, to plan and manifest for the future. You can even try on a future self or career when you are in the process of manifesting.

The purpose of that is to get the feeling that you already have what you wish, then it will come into your life.

Dreaming of a future and acting as though nothing you do right now matters will not get you there.

You waste a lot of time worrying about future events, that you do not do the things you need to do now to get there.

Imagine that you are preparing for a party.

You don’t just sit around dreaming about the perfect party and expect it to appear. You set the stage, clean the house, set out all the things you will need, and allow the excitement of the upcoming event to wash over you.

Preparing for a party can be fun, if you focus on the goal: an entertaining, successful event that everyone in attendance can enjoy.

You would not tell the guests to arrive in a particular order, or script the party conversation. You, simply, set the stage knowing that the party will happen.

Spontaneity is such an adventure!  Can you feel the excitement? ~Silas

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It’s Ok to Give Up (For A Little While)

Sometimes, the harder you try to make your life work, the more difficult situations and events show up, and seem to conspire against you. 

Obligations and bills are mounting, your energy is low and it seems in order to have the life of your dreams you will have to jump through an endless series of hoops and dance around countless obstacles.

You have been told to keep your vibration high. If you don’t remain in that “happy” place, then all is lost.
More pressure. We are always amazed at how hard you are on yourselves.

When you are exhausted from work, stress and struggling through your tears to stay in your happy place, it is tempting to just give up. It’s ok to give up. You deserve a break.

We do not mean to say that you should not attempt to fulfill your life’s purpose or have the love or career of your dreams, just take a break.

Let go of any attachment you have to a particular outcome and let Spirit work out the details. If it means following an unexpected path or moving at a slower pace, then relax, trust and allow this. 

Spirit sees things from a higher perspective. While you are trudging through the desert, Spirit is directing you toward a beautiful and lush oasis that contains all that you have been wishing for.

You cannot see the oasis from where you are standing. You might think you see water in another direction and chase a mirage. That will make you tired quickly. 

All is never lost. There is always a beautiful place waiting for you, much closer than you think. It is you who run from the life of your dreams, because you believe it should happen a certain way.

You may have tried choice A and B and had no luck, but Spirit can see the rest of the alphabet and knows exactly the plan to give you a life of love, happiness and prosperity without compromise.

Take small steps towards your goal. Then, when spirit redirects you, you don’t have as far to travel to get back on course. 

You have a wonderful life waiting for you. We are giddy with excitement as we watch you draw closer.

Just for today, relax and give up. Then, wake up tomorrow, take a baby step or two and ask Spirit to lead you in the right direction. 

Small frequent, course corrections are much easier than 180 degree turns, and you can always stop and ask for directions. ~Silas

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Parting is Such Sweet Freedom

Sometimes, it is necessary for people to part company. 

It might feel easier to maintain the status quo, but sometimes, it is in the best interest of both parties to separate.

It  is not always that one party is good or bad, the energy is just not compatible. To hold on traps both parties in a place where they cannot move forward. 

It creates an energy that if not addressed and eliminated, becomes stagnant. 

Like leftover food stored in the back of the refrigerator, what was once a gourmet meal, has lost its flavor and begun to decay.

Sometimes one party is ready to let go and the other refuses to move on. Letting go will always bring the best results.

A clean break can allow, if desired, the parties to come together at a later time when growth and healing has occurred.

An incomplete break (one or both parties are holding on), will prevent both parties from moving forward.

You can make this clean and complete break without the other party’s consent. You have the right to move forward and live your life as you choose.

You should consciously do this whenever you feel strong emotions surrounding a breakup or ending of a friendship or business relationship.

A simple meditation, a letter or cord-cutting ritual can release this energy. 

Forgiveness is also important. Ask to see the soul of the other person. 

You might be surprised. A mean bully can be hiding a tiny fearful being that needs to feel loved and safe.

You can send love to the spirit without reattaching to the person. They then have the option of accepting it so they can move forward, or dismissing it and staying where they are.

You, however, will be free to move forward having cut the cord that was bound to your ankle.

Like an elephant who thinks he cannot escape even though he is only tied to a small wooden stake, they may not realize they have the power to move forward.

Taking yourself out of the equation, forces them to deal with what they, alone, have created. 

What another person does to you, whether it be good or bad, is about them, and who they are.

Don’t take it personally. Unforgiveness is not worth the price to your soul. 

Let go, move on and be brilliant. You have the power.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Living Toxic

Most of you are aware that toxins are dangerous.  At high levels, they can be deadly, at lower levels, they weaken and wear you down.

They can come from foods you eat, products you use, your physical environment and relationships.

When you find yourself feeling exhausted all of the time, think about these things.

What kind of foods are you eating? Do you take in a lot of artificial ingredients and chemicals? What are your cosmetics and toiletries made of? Are you breathing in polluted air, indoors or outside? Who do you spend the most time with?

Toxins come from a variety of sources and often you don’t feel their effects until it is too late.

With foods and environmental factors, you can eliminate and then see how you feel.

Personal relationships are harder. Karma may bring you close to people who challenge you and drain your energy.

Once you have learned the karmic lesson, you have no need to hold on to a toxic relationship, in fact, the lesson may be the act of breaking free itself.

Low-level toxins are a part of life on Earth. There are many that occur naturally that are hard to avoid.

You will never eliminate all toxic substances from your life, so do not obsess over it. Do the best you can to eat healthy, clean foods and avoid environmental pollutants.

A relationship that drains you is not in your best interest. Look for the lesson in it, then lovingly move on.
This does not make you a bad person. You have a right to good feelings and radiant health. 

Life on Earth is a gift. If you are not enjoying it, then you are not doing it right. Do not judge yourself for this, few of you are. 

You can always change and try new things while eliminating that which poisons you.

Look for and learn about the toxins you take in every day. At the lowest levels, toxins may make you sick or tired.

At higher levels or years of constant exposure they can kill. All of them. 

Take back your body and spirit. They are your vehicles for learning, growing and fulfilling your destiny on this planet. 

They are the only ones you’ve got. This time. Why not make this time, the best time of your lives. ~Silas