Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Clean Up Your Area

There are many now who are worrying themselves sick over the state of affairs of the world. The world has problems, but there are too many of them for you to solve them all.

You don’t have to have the most menacing “CAPS LOCK” on social media. Simply, do something to help your cause. Do not demand the same of others. That is not your job.

Volunteer, pick up trash, send healing energy to someone you don’t know.
Make your small corner of the world a beautiful place to live. When others see it, they will want to create their own.
And then the revolution of love begins. ~Silas

Monday, January 30, 2017

Taking Off the Blinders

When you feel that you have only one doorway, one pathway available to you, it is because, you have put blinders on yourself and can only see the one narrow path. 

You convince yourself that only by moving forward down this path can you succeed with your plans and goals in life.

It is time to take off the blinders. 

Do it now. Then look to the left and right. Look behind you. See hundreds of doors and pathways each with hundreds of choices contained inside of them. Your options are without limit if you can broaden your vision.

Let today be the day, that you open up to see all of the options you have in your life. Don’t rush to try them all, just explore, until you find one that feels perfect for you.

Then, enjoy the adventure. ~Silas

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Whispers of the Fae

You often doubt what your senses tell you. Spirit speaks to you all the time. Not with words, but whisperings into your energy field. 

You perceive this as a great idea, an urge to create something or the solution to a problem that comes from nowhere. 

Open to the idea, that these are things that we inspire in you. You don't have to force yourself to believe it, just play with the idea. Keep playing with it until you can hear the words in you ear and see our sparkling auras around you.

Open to the energy and you will feel a tingle and an urge to giggle. Think of what you are doing in that moment. We are helping you with it. Go with your first instinct and watch the magic happen.

In every part of your life, you have an opportunity to accept help from our side or to struggle alone. To create a life of joy and fun or suffer and complain.

We hope it is joy that you choose, because we would much rather play with you than watch your tears fall. ~Silas

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Perfect Gift For You

The greatest gift you can possibly give to yourself is you.

You are Divine energy expressing itself in a manner that the most perfect aspect of you has chosen.

Your flaws, as you call them are in place because you have put them there to be the perfect vehicle for you learning experience on Earth during this lifetime.

Your talents, and you all have them, are the cherry on top of the most satisfying cake with the richest, creamiest icing that your taste buds are capable of perceiving. Enjoy them, explore them and share them with the world.

Make time every day to turn inward. Find yourself amid all that your society has told you that you must be.

Find the real you. This is the soulmate and partner you have been seeking. You would not sell this magnificent being short by entering poorly chosen or abusive relationships. 

To attract the highest quality mate, you must first become that. And to become that, you must meet and fall in love with the most perfect mate of all……yourself. ~Silas

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Course Corrections

You were created to feel joy. When you do not feel joy, there is something off. Like s ship that is sailing just a bit off course, if it continues, you may end up miles away from your desired destination.

When you feel off, take the time to tune in. In the contrast of feeling that peace that comes from a meditative state, you will learn what it is that is “off” and how to make the course correction.

Sometimes it means saying good-bye to items you once cherished, but now collect dust, friendships and acquaintances which no longer serve you or beliefs that have proven to be falsehoods. This will lighten your load and make the course correction easier.

As you make a habit of this, you will correct your course automatically, when you go astray. 

And your peace, joy and bliss will be the North Star that guides your way. ~Silas

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Game of Life on Earth

We often giggle as we watch you declare that this will be your last lifetime on Earth. You will get it all right this time and not have a need to return.

We do not laugh at your feelings, but rather at the fact that we know that you will, as you have in the past, want to jump right back in the game and play for several more lifetimes.

If life is compared to a video game, then every time you use up your “last life,” and are kicked out of the game, you do not leave with nothing to show for your game.

Your experience level has given you the ability to move ahead quickly the next time you go back in.

You will easily sidestep the obstacles that go in your way in past lives. Then you will reach a point of challenge. Challenge does not have to be a bad thing. It can be exciting and exhilarating! If you feel challenged, then you are playing at your level.

Don’t fight the challenges. Learn from them. Obtain skills that you can use in this life and any more to follow.

Winning is not as important as learning in the game of Life on Earth. Learn all of the spiritual skills that you can as you face challenges. They will serve you well in the future. ~Silas