Wednesday, June 19, 2013

But, Why?

Today, we ask you to take a look at the things that bother you most. What things that irritate you when you see them in the news, in your social media, in conversations.

Your normal course of action may be to, yell, argue, cry, eat ice cream or meditate until the feelings go away. All of these choices are better than denial, but not by very much. Those things that make your blood boil or tug at your heart strings, say a lot about who you are, and where your deepest fears and insecurities lie. You are rarely upset for the reason you think you are. So look deep inside, the next time you feel, angry, scared or sad, to see what the real problem is.

"Oh no!" you say. "That's hard work! It's scary! Why would I want to do that?"

Would you rather someone else do it? Then use it against you?

Knowledge is power and self-knowledge is peace. This doesn't mean that nothing will ever bother you again, but rather than lashing out in anger or drinking an entire bottle of wine, you will say, "Oh, there's my issue again. I guess I need to work on that."

Why should you work on that? You should work on it because it shows. Your issues are visible to others. Friends may tolerate them, good friends will point them out to you. People who are not your friends may use them to manipulate and take advantage of you.

You know who they are. Those who greet you with a smile, but leave you feeling unsettled and insecure. The seducers, the con artists and the drama kings and queens. Like vampires, they wait and watch. As soon as you have bared your jugular vein, they will strike.

Fortunately, you have many weapons at your disposal. Your cross is your personal energy field. It can be strengthened through, meditation, visualization and a healthy lifestyle. Your holy water is your confidence and self-esteem. We will tell you now and repeat until you hear us, that you are worthy, loved, unique and gifted, whether you have discovered your gifts or not. Your garlic is your self-knowledge and the recognition of things that bother you and your commitment to deal with, and eventually resolve them.

Then you will travel in a bubble of peace and love and will attract those of a similar vibration. The vampires will have to feed elsewhere, as you are no longer an easy meal. ~Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: I tend to be an easy-going person. Most people I encounter see that as a positive. I don't like to argue and try not to start trouble. I accept people with different beliefs, cultures and lifestyles. I find that life is more beautiful because of its variety. This acceptance is a form of trust that has more than once been betrayed. So, disloyalty, treachery and betrayal are big button pushers for me.

Witch hunts are a big issue for me either, literal or figurative ones: We don't like her so let's accuse her of something and see her "burn" for it. That one might be a past-life issue, or perhaps my panties have been wadded by my Nimbus 2000. Who knows? Working on it.

Today, the subject of unfriending came up or me. Perhaps it bothers me because of insecurities in childhood of not being "good enough" to hang out with the "in crowd". Having Asperger's syndrome, I often wonder if I've said or done something to offend. I'm mortified when this happens in real life, and I can't understand my mistakes if I don't know what they are. Then of course, there are the serial unfrienders who are NUTJOBS AND EGOTISTICAL SNOBS WHO THINK THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND THEM AND......Oh, there's my issue again....*putting down the wine....climbing in the bubble* Ah....much better :)

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