Wednesday, June 26, 2013

It's Retrograde All Over Again

It's back! Double check your calendars. Forget trying to diet. Don't buy a house! Oh dear, you have a presentation at work. Nevermind. Go inside. Lock your doors. Stay inside for the next three weeks or you're doomed. Mercury retrograde is here again!

How did you ever get along in life before you found out about this frightening phenomenon? Quite well, apparently, as you are here reading this.

It is easy to fear, what you do not understand, so let's get to the bottom of this time of misunderstanding, delay and fear. The Universe is not picking on you. There is a purpose. Let us explain.

Let's say, you are working hard at your job. You have accomplished many things, and you are in the flow. Your energy is propelling you forward, and then.......

Your boss comes over to you and says, "You need to take a break". How could she? Does she not see how well you are doing? Why stop you now?

There may be many reasons. She may see a change in your posture as you tire. A change you may not have noticed due to your activity level. She may have noticed mistakes you've made. Everyone makes mistakes, right? She may just be kindly reminding you that you need a rest and are legally entitled to one.

So, you can yell at her; complain that she's trying to sabotage you; ask why she's not satisfied with your work, but you're still taking a break. After all, she is the boss.

So, you take a break. You realize you are thirsty and have some water. You stretch out your sore back and legs. You think about what you were doing well and what mistakes you were making.

Then, when the break is over, you go back to work. Your mind is clear, your back feels better. You are rested and motivated to do an even better job then before.

Your boss knows this. You are a valuable employee and she admires your work ethic. She doesn't want you to burn out. In the end, everyone feels better, and the work gets done.

You are the employee, the Universe is the boss. So check your work twice, be clear in your communications, do not take on new projects, and relax. You've earned this break. ~ Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: Mercury retrograde has been a source of tremendous stress for me. When I knew it was coming, I felt that I needed to hurry up and hastily complete projects. My computer would go down, I'd miss important calls, it was like Spirit was out to get me.

What was the point of ever starting anything new when it would come to a grinding halt for three weeks.?

One year as a retrograde period approached, I decided not to fight it. Strangely, nothing bad happened. I realized that it wasn't stop time, just rest time. It gave me the opportunity to look at the past few months and see what I'd accomplished. It was a period of cleansing. I could release what was holding me back and embrace what was propelling me forward.

I started to celebrate it as a time of learning and growth. Things that needed to be healed would surface so I could be free of them.

When Mercury goes direct, I feel lighter and stronger. Like the Road Runner hitting the highway, I take off at full speed and nothing can catch me.

My life is in transition right now. The timing couldn't be better. I'm looking forward to finding out what will stay in my life and what will go. I'm ready, BEEP BEEP!

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