Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Keeping It Light

There is much talk in your spiritual communities of light. You seek the light more than anything else. You want to be bright, shining, illuminated. You fear the dark, but in the absence of darkness, total light is blinding. So much light that nothing is visible. Light and dark fight a daily battle in your lives. You struggle to keep only to the light, or give up and sink into total darkness.

The key is balance. Light with dark, intellect with spirituality, male with female. This balance allows all life to exist on Earth. But there is another light that can be used to heal and balance.

This "light" is the opposite of heavy. You feel it when you're in the beauty of nature. When you are playing with a pet, when you are listening to a funny joke.

The laughter and smiles that follow, raise your vibrational level in such a way that if you could understand it from where we exist, you would laugh and smile from the time you wake up until the time you went to bed.

Laughter is magic to your soul. It can stop the downward spiral of a terrible day and turn it around in an instant. It can give you a much needed break in a period of mourning. It can raise your vibration quickly, that better things will manifest in your life.

It releases chemicals in your body that can reverse disease. Even those thought to be incurable. It is a built in technology that the body uses to repair itself from the damage of daily stress.

It is inexpensive, easily shared, and wonderfully healing. But please stop me if you've heard this one. ~ Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: I am blessed to be around people who don't take life too seriously. In my darkest hours they would tease and tickle a laugh from me, which would get me through that moment and the next. Soon, the thing that was upsetting me seemed much less significant . Each of these moments was like a perfect pearl, I began to string these pearls together to make a beautiful necklace. Then, suddenly, joy became the focus of my life rather than grief.

Taking time away from your problems to laugh is like a mini vacation, an internal massage for your face and belly, and what did your problems ever do for you that they deserve so much of your time and attention?

In the movie, "Steel Magnolias", one of my favorite scenes takes place beside the casket of a beautiful, young woman who died too soon. One character, Clairee, decides to lighten things up with a bit of humor. At first, the group is shocked, then they are all laughing hysterically, momentarily relieved from he heaviness of their grief. Nothing has changed, but they all get a much more peaceful feeling afterward. As another character, Truvy, remarked, "Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion!"

When life gets heavy, lighten it up with a laugh. This is my prescription. Trust your elemental communications specialist :D

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