Monday, June 17, 2013

Time Is On Your Side

Time. The numerical set of rules that you live by. Moments of pleasure are way too short. Times of struggle and pain seem way too long. As with all things in your lives, there is never enough time.

You panic when there are too many things to do and not enough time to complete them. Your concept of time is interesting to us, but not very useful. The Universe always makes time for what needs to be done. The rest may happen, or it may not.

We have spoken before of life being like a game. Would it surprise you to know that the odds are stacked in your favor? You win by playing. If you pay attention to the action on the field, victory is guaranteed. The reason you think that it is not, is because you focus on a tiny, insignificant part of the field where the grass is brown.

If you examine your life, you can always see the logic in how it has unfolded. How much of a struggle you've had depends on how much you've fought the changes and roadblocks that stood in the way of what you thought you wanted. The Universe always presents you with what you need, although you will always be allowed to chose what you do not need.

This would seem inefficient, but as you will not have it any other way, it is permitted. There will always be time to choose what is best for you.

How can this be, you ask? Well, time is your invention, not ours. The
Universe can easily bend or break your silly numbers game to allow you to complete your life's purpose. This is done constantly. You amaze yourself with what you can do when you let go of little things and focus on only what is really important.

The next time you are pressed for time, think about the most important thing you must do and focus on that. You will usually find that you have time for that thing and many others as well. If you do not have time for it, then it was not as important as you thought, or you are still holding the television remote and have not yet started it.

You are amazing beings capable of amazing things. The ball is already in the goal. You just have to know which side of the field is yours. ~Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: Today was not my best morning. I woke up sore and exhausted, but still had to get ready for work. I was also hoping to get this blog published. I had been given a few hints as to the subjects of my upcoming blogs, but the subject of time came up only as I anticipated how I might accomplish this impossible task and still make it in to work on time. I knew the blog was my top priority, so I dug in, asked, listened, and typed. I finished with plenty of time to gather my things, pack some snacks and leave on time. As if to prove a point, I made it in to work early.

I remember, one day, looking in the mirror and seeing my first gray hair. It wasn't so much the vanity thing that, sent a chill up my spine, it was realizing that I was getting older and I'd not accomplished anything that I could be proud of.

I wasn't sure what I'd hoped to have accomplished, but my life wasn't working, and I couldn't imagine that "this was it". I'd had dreams of doing great things, but didn't dare attempt them with bills to pay and a household to run.

One day, I realized that the life I had created; the life I thought I wanted, was making me miserable. I made some hard choices (and a few more bad decisions), and after a rough start, things started to change for the better. I started to see that even my bad choices came with important lessons. I got in touch with my own energy and started to attract better things and loving, helpful people in to my life.

Once again, a big change has been handed to me by the Universe. I can already see the sense in it and I'm trying to let go of the mental struggle which is the only thing that is holding me back. Ready for new adventures and good times. I mean, why fight it? What do I really know? It is an honor to be a "puppet" of the Universe. If I don't try to take over the show, then I get to be the star. How cool is that?

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