Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Cycle of Healing

Your concept of healing, like many things in your civilized world, is badly misunderstood. You feel that a successful healing is a remission of the symptoms. You walk away, paying money to your doctors while the root cause still sits inside of you.

If you took a person who had recently attempted to commit suicide and "cured" them by tying their arms and legs, you would stop the symptoms (suicide attempts), but would that make them better? Of course it would not. The anger, the fear, the broken heart, would still remain, trapped inside the immobilized body.

You cannot cure pain, injury or illness by covering up the symptoms.

There is a logic and a cycle to all healing. It is an ancient knowledge that modern humans have lost.

There is the beginning phase: something feels different, a tickling in the throat, an aching in the muscles, a feeling that there is something wrong with your relationship.

The onset of symptoms: You are definitely sick, the injury is serious, you are breaking up. You are filled with shock, anger and denial. You start treatment, hoping it will end quickly.

The symptoms worsen: You become frustrated and depressed,"why is this taking so long?"
You take every medicine, try every healing practice, but your body and heart are healing at there own pace.

The climax: "I give up!" At this point, you stop, you rest, you drink lots of fluids, and you cry. At this point, your soul jumps for joy for it can finally begin the work of healing you.

The healing: The immune system gets stronger, the pain begins to lift, with each passing moment you feel better, and you are better. You are less susceptible to future illness, and your body, mind and heart have released toxins which were weighing them down. You are not only healthier, you are improved.

The key is in that moment of giving up. It is not a defeat, but a letting go of what no longer serves you. This is what many of you resist, and it is why you do not completely heal. You attract the same illnesses, situations and relationships into your life, until you give up and allow the healing to take place.

The healthiest of people sometimes get sick. The most loving and trusting get their hearts broken. The fact that you are unwell, is not important. It is how you face it and what you choose to learn that matters.

You are never alone. It is acceptable to be vulnerable, it is acceptable to be afraid. When you can admit your true feelings you can be freed from them. Then things will always get better. We promise. ~ Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: As I hear these words in my head, I know them to be true, yet accepting this and taking it to heart is a different story.

Recently, I've been experiencing sciatic pain. Never had it before. I have not experienced this level of pain without a serious injury. This brought about the usual cycle of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. It seems some form of this cycle occurs whatever we experience. It is natural and normal, and I have discovered that working your way through it is the quickest path to real healing. Shortcuts do not help. They only prolong the process.

So, I pretended nothing was wrong, got angry that life was going on without me as I had to slow down, prayed that it was nothing serious, then finally gave up: "Ok, Universe, you have my attention! The productive week I had planned is not going to happen. I give up!" less than a day later, something shifted. The pain was diminished, I was standing straighter and I felt better overall.

My little friends are telling me that my physical body is preparing itself to deal with upcoming life changes, in a positive way. It's as though I need to slough off old energy in order to move into a higher vibration. Well, why couldn't they have told me that from the beginning? Oh well, ruby slippers are on and getting ready for the next adventure.

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