Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thank You for Being an A#%

Your task on this planet is to learn, grow and create. If you would work together as humans, this planet would be a place of peace and pristine beauty.

Yes, it is precisely that simple, but you are adventurous, hard-working, and you love a good challenge. We admire this about you, although it sometimes makes us scratch our heads when we see the struggles you put yourself through.

We have said before, if you were willing to see what you need to learn and do, your lives would flow much more easily.

Sometimes, like children, you dawdle and play when it's time to go forward, so the Universe has no choice, but to give you a little push to keep you on schedule. Unfortunately, when you have stalled for to long, pain is the quickest way to bring you back. It is never the first choice, but occasionally it is the only one. It is not intended to destroy you. Sometimes there is pain involved in disinfecting a wound, but once you have accepted the treatment, the healing can begin.

When you are in such a state that fast change is required to move you forward, you will attract people and situations into your life that will usually cause you pain. At any time, you have the choice of staying in denial or seeing the truth. How quickly you can heal depends on your willingness to admit you are unwell, and accept the healing.

In the end, you will see the hidden blessing in the situation or person. There is no need to thank them. Choosing to be an instrument of pain does not require gratitude.

The person to thank, is you. For being brave enough to claw your way up from the bottom of the well, and take your life back. The angels, the Fae, your guides and the Universe, also have a hand in supporting and guiding you to do the right thing. A bit of gratitude would be appreciated.

You do not have bad experiences because you are bad. The Universe does not bring villains into your life to torture you, but to bring you back to where you should be.

Keep your eyes open when you are in pain. Learn what the pain has to teach you, then release it and be free. Being free to create the life of your dreams is your natural state. It is your home, and many who love you are waiting for you there.

Welcome back. ~Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: For most of my adult life, I was sleepwalking. I would get up, go through the motions and go to bed at the end of the day. My major accomplishment was survival. I'm grateful for the survival part, because you can't wake up when you're dead, but it's not a lifestyle I would recommend.

One day, after crying my heart out, I desperately asked for help. I was over all of it. "Heal my heart, or take my life", I begged. Shortly afterward, I was swept off my feet. Surely, this was the one! Why else would he come into my life now? I fell deeply in love. When he left, it was as though a piece of my soul was missing. When we were together, all was well in the world.

Then one afternoon, as quickly as it began, it was over. He tried to sound compassionate, but then as another woman was involved, it was imperative that I remained a friend. When you're screwing a woman over while already planning on marrying another, you don't want her doing a Glenn Close, Fatal Attraction thing. I was more devastated then before, but I knew I couldn't go back to my old life.

I confided in friends, continued to go to work every day and took steps to heal my life. Things are still in progress, but my life is amazing compared to what it was. I realized, that these changes were a direct result of the pain I endured because of this relationship. I wondered if I needed to feel gratitude for him; to appreciate that the relationship happened.

When your house burns down and you're able to rebuild it and make improvements, you don't give thanks for the fire. You thank, the fire department (friends), the contractor (Spirit), and yourself for enduring the transition until you are able to move into your new place.

As he wanted to keep our relationship a secret anyway, why should I be thankful for what never happened? I, on the other hand, with the help of my angels, guides, and my precious Fae and human friends, ROCK!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you.....for being you! I needed to read that. : )
