There are many among you who like to hear of the concepts of guilt and sin. It is not a bad idea, to make sure that you are doing no harm and not creating karma that will harm or distress you. But you do make sins of th littlest things.
Having a cookie or an extra piece of cake is only a sin against the pretty dress you want to wear. Sitting in your home and drinking too much may result in a type of Hell the following morning, but will not physically send you here. Dressing seductively is about your own feelings of confidence or insecurity. Spirit does not care where your neckline falls.
The only guilt-creating sin you can committ is to harm your fellow humans. To eat cake is not a sin. To poison a cake and deliberately give it to another would put it into that category. To drink s not a sin, but to drink and hit another person during an argument, might give you some uncomfortable karma to face. To love another and leave the relationship when you are unhappy, is nothing to feel guilty about. To seduce a person and open their heart, with no intention of loving them, or using love for financial gain or power, will usually result in the pain or loss that means the most to you.
But none of these are truly sins. They are energy that comes back to you in a more intense manner than when you sent it out. The Universe must balance itself. It isn't personal.
Jinnzania's side notes: I grew up with the idea that at our very best, we are all unworthy sinners. To even think a bad thought, is a punishable offense. I assume that the original intent was to discourage inappropriate or harmful behavior. I did okay with some things. With others, I just gave up. I mean, why bother if there is no hope.
Then, I gave up the idea.
I was always kind to others and tried to do no harm. I made friends despite my social challenges, I realized it felt good to help and show love to those around me. I no longer needed the "training wheels" of religion to make me do it for fear of punishment. So I took off on two wheels and have been there ever since. It seems I can move much faster that way.
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