Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Practice, Practice, Practice

Does it sound cruel that we love to watch you make mistakes? It is not your suffering we enjoy, but the opportunities to learn and grow which your mistakes create.

Few are gifted enough to play an instrument properly on the first try. At first, the new musician plays notes that may feel like an assault to the ears. Soon they begin to make major corrections and it sounds better. Then minor corrections improve the music further. Finally, practice is all that is needed to maintain the near perfection. A seasoned professional will still make minor corrections to improve the music, corrections that the untrained ear will not notice.

Practice is a series of mistakes and corrections that lead to harmony.

There are those who give up quickly, assuming they have no talent. The mistakes of practice bringing an end to their career.

Others refuse to give up. They see their mistakes and missed notes as lessons to be learned, so that they can improve their playing. They identify themselves with the music, not the mistakes. They shrug off a disastrous practice, and show up the next day with instrument in hand, using the previous day as an example of what not to do.

You are not here to be perfect, you are here to learn. Do not identify yourself with your mistakes but rather by how you overcome and learn from them. We do not judge you whether you get it right the first time or the twelfth. The extra practice will make the lesson stick.

If others among you insist on bashing you for your mistakes, then surround yourself with new people. Don't let them ruin the learning experience for you. They could probably learn a few things from you. ~Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: I was taught to strive for perfection. Anytime I made a mistake, I would mentally beat myself up for it. In many cases, if I failed at something, I would just give up. Fear of more failure prevented me from learning from my mistakes. For nearly two decades, I went to jobs I didn't like, went home and turned on the television. I was completely successful at that, and my life was empty.

I entered a relationship that I thought had come along to save me. it brought new adventures, but in the end, I realized that he was pulling the strings and controlling every aspect of the relationship. I could not believe that I had fallen for his game, and so badly misjudged who he was. I also realized that I had done this before. It took a mistake of this magnitude to teach me a valuable lesson.

I don't thank him for this lesson, as it wasn't designed to teach me, but rather use me until he found another to use. I thank myself. For using my strength, determination and creativity to survive and create a better life. I made a big adjustment, and now the music is sweeter, and people around me are beginning to dance to it.

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