Friday, April 25, 2014

Take Time for Vehicle Maintenance

You may find your life hectic at times. You have no time for meditation or physical activity.

You have no time to just go off and relax or take a short nap.

"Too much to do," you say, as you pour another cup of coffee.

Most of you would agree that you are more important than your car, yet.....

Would you ignore your car's regular maintenance?

Would you leave the oil in for years without a change?

Would you constantly run it low on fuel?

Would you drive through nails or broken glass to save a few minute's time?

Of course not, and if you did, you would expect to be inconvenienced with breakdowns and mechanical failures.

You would know that it will cost you time and money that could have been saved. Inconveniences that could have been prevented.

In the aftermath of a car accident, friends and loved ones usually say, "Thank goodness you're all right!" The condition of the vehicle is a secondary concern.

You too, know that you are more important than your car. So why does this attitude change when your car is running smoothly?

Are you an "accident" waiting to happen?

Please do not be. Breathe, walk, meditate and eat healthy foods. 

Keep your vehicle maintained and it will take you farther than you've ever imagined. ~Silas

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Everything You Really Should Know........

Let us talk, today, about sex.

You may be seeking a greater spiritual connection and sexual activity would appear to be the antithesis of that.
Why do you believe this?

You seek enlightenment through controlled, repetitive, directed activity, such as focused meditation, prayer or chanting. The purpose of these activities is to move beyond the activity into a state of unrestrained bliss and pleasure.

Sound familiar? A deliberate, directed action that erupts into chaos. 

Ancient societies incorporated sex into their spiritual practices as it was thought to bring about a communion with the Divine.  There are a few in your modern society that still practice this.

So how did a holy act become a shameful abomination, used only reluctantly for procreation?

Your judgment of sex comes from a primal fear of vulnerability. A cave dweller enjoying an intimate evening with a mate, a tribal celebration that erupts into group sex, set upon by an enemy or predator and unable to defend themselves, would be a serious concern.

Ancient superstitions of  “punishment” and “wrath of the gods” grew up around these fears. They were picked up by societies and religions as a means of controlling the population.

“But what about young people? What about sexual predators?” you ask.

Your young ones have natural feelings that you fail to explain to them, or convince them that they are unnatural. They rebel against you and have sex because they cannot overcome these urges and because it is forbidden. 

Sexual predators do harm. That is never acceptable. Usually, they operate from a sense of deep shame that was instilled in them through humiliation or abuse.

Consensual, safe sex behind closed doors harms no one. The only Divine hand at work is the one who gave you these urges that lead to amazing pleasure.

What a generous gift to waste over guilt. 

Enjoy your sexual pleasure. While you travel through your life, on this planet, it is an experience not to be missed. ~Silas

Monday, April 21, 2014

A Day of Possibility

Everything you think, every plan you make, every fear you have, is based on something that has happened in your past. How might your life be different, if you lived in this moment instead?

Close your eyes. You are in the lobby of a beautiful hotel room. You hear the rush of water flowing down a beautiful fountain. As you look up, the fountain goes up so high that you cannot see the top. The water sound is soothing. You feel calm and balanced. 

There is a beautiful dining room to your right where you can have the meal of your choice at any time.

As you look out the window to your left, you can see a natural scene that makes you feel bliss and peace. It might be a beach, the bank of a river or the edge of a forest, whatever makes you feel good.

You get up and walk toward the front desk. A kindly-looking woman gives you a smile and you know she is there if you have any needs or questions.

You walk towards the front door and see a rack of brochures. You have a day to fill with activity. Look through and see what appeals to you.

There are brochures for music, dance, local bookstores, nature events, all kinds of hobbies; every activity imaginable is here.

Pick three brochures. Find ones that especially call to you on this day.

Take them to the dining area, where the breakfast of your choice is sitting on the table waiting for you.

Begin to read through them and decide which of them you would like to focus on today. You know you will have plenty of time to enjoy as many activities as you want and you have all the money you need to explore them.

The lady from the front comes over to you and asks what you plan to do today. You tell her and she says that, she will arrange it. All that you need to do is show up. 

Thank her for her help, and stay and explore the hotel for as long as you like before leaving to enjoy your trip. 

When you are ready; walk towards the front door. Take a deep breath.  Put your hand on the door handle, feel your fingers as you take another deep breath. With one last deep breath, open the door, and open your eyes. Take this feeling of excitement with you this day.

Now go! Enjoy the adventure you plan to have on this day. ~ Silas

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Resurrection Day

On this day, whether you celebrate the life of a man with a strong Divine connection, or simply, the rebirth of the planet, the message is the same.

It is a time for renewal.

Just as a snake that has reached its maximum growth in its old skin, this time of year, you have an opportunity   to break with the old and recreate a better, stronger version of yourself.

Your soul has outgrown its current “skin,” so it is time to shed and break free of the past.

Just as in the story of this Divine man, you have accomplished all that you can in this present state.

Like the phoenix, it is time to create your nest of fire and allow the old you to be consumed. 

This is not death or an ending, this is you, owning your power, growing into your greatness.

You are becoming a new and improved version of yourself. Do not fear the changes in your life, for they are part of the process.

You often look upon change with fear, but change is life, it is growth, it is personal resurrection.

On this day, remember the strong, powerful person that you were. Give thanks to your spirit for getting you this far, and embrace the even stronger and more powerful being that is preparing to arise from the ashes.

Hold your head up high. It is you who have manifested this. Well done.

Now, go, and do the great things you are destined to do. ~Silas

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Believe it!

You may wonder why the Universe does not always reward you with abundance and prosperity. You do your affirmations daily, you think positive thoughts and you envision the event as though it has already happened.

So, why are you not rich, famous or living a fairy tale life?

 Is the Law of Attraction a Divine con game? Is a supreme being playing with your life like a toy?

If you create such a mean overlord in your mind, he might do just that, but it is unlikely. You already do not use the power you have to create the little things in your life. Why would you believe you are capable of conjuring an omnipotent, imaginary bully?
Sadly, if you look in the mirror, you will see just such a bully. 

No one will ever treat you as unkindly as you already treat yourself. No one will be as strict with you or demand so much.

You are a bit like a warlord. You supply weapons and supplies to both sides to keep the conflict going. The only difference is that the warlord is becoming rich and prosperous in the process. You are, simply, failing to get what you want.You fight the daily battle of declaring your desires to the Universe, then shaking your head and thinking silently, “If only.” 

The Universe is neither judging you, nor deciding which of the two statements is true. You get a little of both and maintain your current situation. A step forward, then a step back.

Occasionally, you get there. You manifest something amazing. You stand there holding in your hands something you had only imagined a short while ago and you say to yourself, “I can’t believe it!”

If someone were to give you a gift, would you say, “Wow! I can’t believe that you could afford this on your salary!” The person giving the gift would probably not see that as appreciation. They would not be motivated to give you any more. 

Gratitude and positive thoughts are the fuel that keeps your manifestation machine running smoothly and efficiently.

When you say you are not grateful for something, either with your words or thoughts,  the Universe is hearing, “I don’t care for that. No more of that, please,” and POOF!  Your wish is granted! There will be no more of what you are requesting.

Cultivate a habit of gratitude daily. Eliminate the phrase, “I can’t believe it!” from your vocabulary. Replace it with, “I’m amazed that…” or “I’m so grateful that….”  In fact, you can make up a list of words and phrases to replace, “I can’t believe.” 

When you make gratitude a habit, miracles will soon become a habit. This is not wishful thinking, it is inevitable. “Amazing” is your birthright. Own it. ~Silas

Friday, April 18, 2014

Little Commitments

Changing your life is a complex business. You may find yourself stopping and starting, committing to something new, and then forgetting about it the next day. 

This is in your nature. Routines and constant repetition are what will bring you success. Practicing an instrument or a new song or faithfully visualizing while repeating affirmations takes determination, but it is the best way to get there. 

You resist change because you want this routine. Your current routine, or lack thereof, is comfortable and feels safe, but it is not bringing you that which you desire. Your spirit knows that routine is the key to success, so you tend to fall into routines, even unhealthy ones. Your change will ideally become a new routine. In order to get there, however, you must break with the old one.

It is the most challenging thing you can do, but the doing will change your life. Hopefully in a good way if you are making positive choices. 

It takes several weeks to ingrain a new habit. This is what can be discouraging. That is a long time to be disciplined; to wake up early or turn off your television. It is a long time to spend without your favorite snacks or foods that are tasty, but not healthy.

Give yourself a smaller commitment. Try your new thing for 1 day. Commit to that day and do what you hope will become part of your life. 

When you are done, celebrate. Pat yourself on the back. Then try for two days. If you don’t succeed, relax. Try again another day.

Keep adding more days to the commitment until the new habit has become a part of your life.

Then add another goal and use the same process.

Celebrate your little successes and jump back in and try again when you do not succeed. 

Ask why you do not succeed on some days. They may give you the answer you need to reach your goal.

If you are alive on Earth at this time, you are among the elite of souls. Many on both sides of the veil are pushing for you.
Do not allow small setbacks to deter you. You are here to grow and achieve. Success is your birthright, prosperity is always around you.

Own your divinity, and never give up. Graduation day will be glorious. ~Silas