Monday, July 22, 2013

Choose Love, Choose Peace

When your heart opens to Spirit, you will often be guided to a path that supports your feelings and beliefs. Millions on this planet do the same thing, and few pick the same path.

Whether it be a religious or spiritual practice or cultural belief, you cannot sway another with anger or fear.

You might temporarily gain support from those who are undecided, but if your belief system doesn't met their needs, they will not stay.

We ask you, why do they need to stay? Are your beliefs more valid if you have more people standing behind you?

The only true spiritual path you have is the one you have with Spirit, God, the Universe, or whatever you choose to call it. This is the only religion you need to follow.

The temple or church is your body. The congregation of one, sits in your heart. You may enjoy sharing spiritual time with others, but always let your heart and your personal connection to Spirit guide your actions.

Live your love and your truth and let others be attracted to it, rather than attempting to blind them with it.

True spirituality is neither threatening, nor judgmental. There is only one destination. You may travel by expressway or winding country road. You will get there, no worries.

In the end, there will be no, "I told you sos", no winners or losers. You will all reunite (we will join you) and thank each other for playing such a great and lively game. ~Silas

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