Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Gift of Rejection

We will not pretend that rejection is not a painful thing. We are always close to offer comfort and assistance when you feel it. Most people will experience rejection before finding love, getting a job or publishing a book. Famous writers have been known to save their rejection letters for the purpose of learning and motivation.

In every rejection, there is a lesson to be learned. Rejections are like the sour notes played by musicians when they are learning a new song, or the falls and defeats suffered by athletes as they perfect their skills.

The enemy in rejection is judgement. It has nothing to do with who you are. In fact it is more often a reflection of the other person. If a person treats you badly in a rejection, they are showing you who they are. They are also showing you that they have done you a favor. For whatever reason a rejection occurs in a romantic relationship, it is a blessing if one party is not happy. The other partner would receive the unhappiness as well, and continuing the relationship would cause more pain.

Rejection is an action taken in response to incompatibility. It is not a reflection on either party unless they choose to make it so. If you try in a garment because you like the way it looks on a mannequin, but do not like the way it looks on you, would you feel that you were inferior to the garment? Hopefully, you would put it back and look for another that suits you. You might be disappointed that it didn't look the way you wanted when you wore it, but now you know that that style is not for you. You evaluate what was wrong with it (cut, color, length), figure out what you like, (neckline, sleeves), and look for a garment that would suit you better. You would not try on the same outfit thinking it will look better next time.

Do not take rejection personally. Study it, learn from it, but don't dwell on it. The store is full of garments that will fit you perfectly and look great. Keep shopping. ~ Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: Fear of rejection has kept me paralyzed for most of my adult life. The romantic rejections have been pretty severe. In my worst, not only did he indicate that the fault was mine ( I didn't move fast enough), but felt it necessary to bring her to an event we regularly attended. I refused to abandon my friends, so I had to go and see the two of them together in the midst of my heartbreak. At the time I was devastated, but later it occurred to me that only a truly cold-hearted individual, could do such a thing. I was the one who could do better. I was jealous of a woman who was falling in love with a heartless man. I should have pitied her for the inevitable heartbreak to come.

Sometimes the garment doesn't fit. Other times it is made of scratchy material that can cause a severe allergic reaction.

I know now that I am not inferior to him, just different. In fact, I think I might be a little smarter in some ways. After a year of passive-aggressive torture, this person has unfriended me on Facebook. Now I can say things I never would have said with him watching. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, Genius, and don't piss off the fairy. Also, be grateful that I'm a better person than you are.

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