Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Don't Run Away From You

You keep your lives busy, filled with activities designed to take up your precious time. Television, video games, books, magazines, social networks......

It is all right to have a multi-faceted life, just as long as you are the shining jewel in the center of it.

This is not a selfish attitude, as many of you may be thinking. If you are lost to yourself, then you have no room to help or guide another.

Often when you are forced to be alone with yourself, you run and hide. You cover up the experience with sensory stimulation in the form of media or addictions. You begin co-dependent (or dependent) relationships so that you do not have to look yourself in the eye.

It is like going into a dressing room and trying on something you think will look nice. You may see that it is not at all flattering. You look away from the mirror. Surely it is your fault. A glass of wine and a candy bar will make you feel better. Turn on the television when you get home and you will forget all about that silly, lying mirror.

If you are brave enough (or need a new garment badly enough), you will keep looking. You will try on another garment and then another until you look in the mirror and smile. You have found your look. You look amazing! You stayed in your energy long enough to find a garment that reflects who you are.

Spend time with you everyday. Pour yourself a cup of tea, write in a journal or draw on a sketch pad, take a walk or just daydream.

The love you chase is in the mirror. Don't run from it, or suppress it with deliberate overstimulation.
Celebrate and share it. You are an amazing companion. Don't deprive yourself of your own company. You have a beautiful energy to enjoy and share with the world. We promise you. ~Silas

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