Tuesday, July 30, 2013

If You Want to Get to Heaven, Get the Hell Out of Your Head

You know what you want and you believe that you have the capability of manifesting it in your life. You say your affirmations, you meditate, you pray and ask for guidance, yet you still struggle with relationships, finance and career.

As hard as you try to change it, your life is still the same. You wonder if you are worthy or if you are being punished. Perhaps the Universe is picking on you.

Do you want the answer? The answer is yes. Yes, the Universe is picking on you, not because the Universe is a big bully, but because you are. You beat yourself up and take your own lunch money because you live with the fear of things that no longer matter.

All that matters is this moment, right now. Stop. Take a breath. Your power is right here. Not yesterday, not ten years ago. Your actual potential is unlimited. The limits you set are in your head. They have been burned into your brain from the bad (or good) experiences of your past.

So, you go into a job interview. You start to think about past interviews which did not go well. You remember the frustration of the job hunt, the uncertainty and fear. You can see it all again, feel it, live it, and so when your interview goes badly, you decide that it's that darn Universe being mean again.

Well done. You have proven that the manifestation process is working properly. Your fearful thoughts have created your reality.

So, turn it around. Remember an interview that went smootthly, the thrill of the "You're hired!" phone call, or taking your first paycheck to the bank.

It is helpful, also to let go of negative thoughtforms. Try this if you will:

Sit and breathe, relax and feel your energy and envision your auric field. Now, ask to see the thoughtforms that have been holding you back. Were they helpful at the time they happened? Did you learn what you needed to learn? Do you still need this thoughtform in your brain?

See a shower of white light pouring over your head. It transmutes the thoughtforms into love and washes them away.

You are now a clean slate. Blank paper ready to tell a new story. What story do you want to tell?

Do this meditation often, for we know how stubborn you can be. Use this stubbornness to manifest the life of your dreams, or keep complaining. The Universe will listen and respond either way. ~Silas

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