Monday, July 15, 2013

One Small Step

Many of you are becoming aware of the fact that your thoughts create your reality. You say your affirmations daily, you meditate, you begin to feel what it would be like to have what you desire. Then, you wait.

Ask for it. Feel it like it is already yours. Done and done, so, what is taking it so long?

Knowing what you desire, and believing that you have it are really all it takes, but sometimes it takes a while.

If you were on a sinking ship and wanted more than anything to be rescued, you would probably not remain in your cabin below the deck. You would get to the highest point on the ship, send a signal flare and reach for the rescuer's hand when they offer it to you.

If you were to stay below the deck, they might not know you are there or it will take a much longer period of time to reach you. They might even think that you don't really want to be rescued.

When you order a meal at a restaurant, would you leave your table and go to sit at the bar without telling your waitress?

The Universe will always respond to you. It is you who are not always clear. One way to make your intentions and desires clearer, is to take an action.

Yes, we know, you have heard that you can manifest anything you want without all of the hard work. You can. However, a small action taken on your part, can bring about results much more rapidly. A little action, reading about the job you want, writing a sentence of your novel, walking around the block can move energy and speed up the process. We never said the work had to be hard, in fact, making it fun can be even more effective (listen to music during a walk for exercise, time yourself to see how quickly you can write, look at want ads while your cookies are baking). Nothing big has to be accomplished right away, but showing the Universe that you want something so badly you are willing to put a little "muscle" into it, moves the energy.

You are not doubting the Universe's ability to deliver your wishes, you are simply rushing out with joy to meet the delivery truck. The Universe may build on the energy you have set in motion bringing about your wishes in a logical manner, (you quickly find the job of your dreams through the want ads) or it might just use the energy you've released in a different way ( you apply for a job through the want ads and meet a stranger in a cafe who offers you a better one).

So focus on what you want, feel what it is like to have it and take a small step today, that makes you feel a little closer to it. Play with it. Have fun. Don't hide at the bar, your meal is nearly ready. ~Silas

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