Tuesday, July 23, 2013

You Have One Job, Be Yourself

It can be useful to compare yourself with others. It prevents you from putting on their shoes or accidentally walking into their homes. It is always interesting to see how others live and react to situations. This, however, is where the usefulness ends.

All of you are chasing the same goal. You arrive there by walking different paths. You were designed to be different, both in appearance and temperament. You have all been given different combinations of skills and talents. This is why Earth is such a rich, abundant and beautiful place to live.

The best way of going about this business of living is to be yourself. Find your joys, your talents and strengths. Find your dislikes and things you would rather avoid. Look to your neighbors for companionship, not to measure up to another's standard of excellence.

You were designed by the Creator to be magnificent as you are. Perhaps you cannot sing as well as the mezzo soprano in the opera you just experienced, but, perhaps, she cannot dance or write sonnets as well as you can.

You might wake up at the crack of dawn to accomplish your goals, or sleep later and conserve your energy for important tasks in the afternoon.

Your way of doing things and thinking about things is yours. Do not ask another to do things as you do. They might have a better way that works perfectly for them. Do not think of them or accuse them of being unintelligent or lazy if they live their life another way.

In the same way, do not belittle yourself for what you do or do not accomplish in comparison to another.

This is what causes so much of your struggle and misery on this paradise planet you call home.

Let others do as they will, as long as they do not harm you. Do not ask others to meet your expectations, and do not live your life to imitate theirs.

To not be yourself is a waste of all that Spirit has given you. Look within. Find the treasures that hide there. Explore and express them to the fullest and share them with the world.

When you look at yourself as compared to others, do not measure the sameness. Celebrate the differences and uniqueness.

Do not beat yourself up if you are not a rocket scientist. Perhaps you are a storyteller or a gardener. That does not make you less. For what would this Earth be like without tall tales and flowers? ~Silas

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