Thursday, July 11, 2013

Shunning the Shadow

If you were to purchase oil paints to make a picture, you would most likely purchase a complete selection of colors. You would not only purchase white to apply to your white canvas.

The dark colors are not inferior to the white. They provide contrast, depth and reveal a complete picture that would not be possible with only white.

Your soul had the choice of staying in the light or coming to Earth to appreciate and learn from the contrast. Fear brings forth courage, confusion brings knowledge and pain brings healing. Resisting the dark places can stunt your growth.

Many seek only the light believing that looking away from the darkness will make it disappear. That is like ignoring a weed in a dark corner of your flower garden. Weeds are persistent. You must face them, and deal with them before they take over the garden.

Like all things on this planet even weeds have a purpose. Some are food for animals, ground cover or have medicinal purposes. They may not be good for your garden, but parts of them may not be bad. As long as you keep them controlled in such a way that they don't harm the flowers.

Anger can become persistence. Judgement can keep you from making the wrong decisions.

Your own dark side is a gift. It shows you the lessons you need to focus on, what fears need to be addressed. Facing your darkness can teach you things that no book or spiritual tradition can. This is not to say that you give in to it, just turn towards it and stare it down. Take a good look at it. Take your power back from it.

There is nothing to fear. Sit in meditation or prayer, write a question in a journal, ask your darkness questions. You might find, in the end, that you are on the same team, working towards spiritual growth.

In reality, all is love. Light and dark are just the projectors that show the movie of life. A movie without an antagonist would be pretty dull. You bought your ticket, you deserve a quality show. ~Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: Like most people, I started my spiritual journey chasing only the light. I thought ignoring my darkness would make it go away. I didn't want to learn and experience growing pains. I thought my emotions would take over and I would be finished and my life would end.

I would progress briefly, then come to a screeching halt. Something would happen that would force me to deal with my fears. When I did, things improved and I moved forward. I had to look at the parts of myself I didn't like and instead of denying them, work to heal and transform them. I learned things about my life and the world. Many things were not pleasant to face and experience, but they led me to a better place. I like it here, and I'd like it to keep getting better.

Before a flower can reach for the sun, it must root in the darkness of the earth, and the prettiest and most healthy of flowers grow best when properly fertilized.

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