Friday, July 12, 2013

Creating a New Normal

Some of your language we find amusing. Take for instance the word "normal". It can mean an average, or that which is appropriate, or that which is routine.

Normal is meant to have a uniform meaning, but what is normal for one person may be totally foreign to another. What one group calls normal is offensive to another, but that is for another discussion. Let us look at normal as it applies to your daily routines.

Think back to a time, when your life was much different. What things were normal to you then? A job you did not like? Living your life for others? An unhealthy lifestyle? Fifty extra pounds?

At the time, you saw nothing wrong with your life. There was no reason to change it. It was completely normal. Then, you felt an urge, an inspiration. You decided to try something new. You liked it. It became part of your routine. Your "normal" started to change. Perhaps it wasn't so normal after all. Perhaps your new routine is not normal.

What is not normal (appropriate) is stagnation. All things change as new information and experiences come in.

Enjoy your current state of normal, as it will soon change as you grow. Do not marry it, just experience it, and be prepared to let it go.

What is missing from your current "normal"? A good relationship? More money? A great career? Aim for that, and be prepared for your current reality to shift. Imagine what this new "normal will feel like. Then release the old, and allow it to come through.

You cannot create the life you see in your dreams while you are asleep. You must wake up. You must have an open mind and heart to welcome the newest form of "normal" that is coming to you. Enjoy thIs "normal" for it is temporary.

Love this moment then say good-bye, as change and transformation, are the only thing close to resembling "normal" on this planet. ~Silas

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