Tuesday, July 30, 2013

If You Want to Get to Heaven, Get the Hell Out of Your Head

You know what you want and you believe that you have the capability of manifesting it in your life. You say your affirmations, you meditate, you pray and ask for guidance, yet you still struggle with relationships, finance and career.

As hard as you try to change it, your life is still the same. You wonder if you are worthy or if you are being punished. Perhaps the Universe is picking on you.

Do you want the answer? The answer is yes. Yes, the Universe is picking on you, not because the Universe is a big bully, but because you are. You beat yourself up and take your own lunch money because you live with the fear of things that no longer matter.

All that matters is this moment, right now. Stop. Take a breath. Your power is right here. Not yesterday, not ten years ago. Your actual potential is unlimited. The limits you set are in your head. They have been burned into your brain from the bad (or good) experiences of your past.

So, you go into a job interview. You start to think about past interviews which did not go well. You remember the frustration of the job hunt, the uncertainty and fear. You can see it all again, feel it, live it, and so when your interview goes badly, you decide that it's that darn Universe being mean again.

Well done. You have proven that the manifestation process is working properly. Your fearful thoughts have created your reality.

So, turn it around. Remember an interview that went smootthly, the thrill of the "You're hired!" phone call, or taking your first paycheck to the bank.

It is helpful, also to let go of negative thoughtforms. Try this if you will:

Sit and breathe, relax and feel your energy and envision your auric field. Now, ask to see the thoughtforms that have been holding you back. Were they helpful at the time they happened? Did you learn what you needed to learn? Do you still need this thoughtform in your brain?

See a shower of white light pouring over your head. It transmutes the thoughtforms into love and washes them away.

You are now a clean slate. Blank paper ready to tell a new story. What story do you want to tell?

Do this meditation often, for we know how stubborn you can be. Use this stubbornness to manifest the life of your dreams, or keep complaining. The Universe will listen and respond either way. ~Silas

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Reason, or Excuse?

Your life will always hold some challenges. they may cause difficulties in your ability to accomplish tasks and interact with others.

Believe it or not, the unique set of challenges you face are a blessing. They are the tools which will enable you to achieve your life's purpose.

Not directly, but through working around them and developing skills to overcome them. Spiritually speaking, your challenges can be your greatest treasure, if you use them to make the world, and your life, better.

Do not make the mistake of allowing your challenges to become an insurmountable obstacle. Use them as an inspiration to others, a bridge that helps you build strong connections. Do not allow them to become an excuse for having a below-average life, or for bad behavior towards others.

If you had a condition that caused you to limp, you could give up all physical exercise, and spend your days sitting in front of the television. If anyone asks about your life, you speak of the limp and how it prevents you from doing anything. That is your excuse.

Conversely, you could investigate and try forms of exercise that strengthen the muscles around the leg. You could go to school and learn a trade or skill that enables you to make a living without using your physical body. When people ask why you became a journalist or computer programmer rather than an aerobics instructor, or why you don't do certain forms of exercise, you mention the limp. It is no longer an excuse but a reason for your behavior. An explanation of why you do not do certain things, and why you have developed other skills.

Many of you live with emotional, mental or social challenges. You can work with these in the same way.
You may have moments where they create conflicts with others. Look at the situation and learn from it.
Be grateful that it has come up so that you can grow, then apologize if you have hurt someone. Your challenges belong to you, not them. You can explain or give reasons why you act a certain way ("I have ADHD, I'm bi-polar, I'm autistic/I have Asperger's Syndrome..."), but do not let it become a wedge between you and others. They are gifts and tools for growth. The greater the challenge, the greater the growth potential.

If you know someone with special challenges, do not insult or challenge them further. Encourage and empower them. Listen to them and show compassion, not pity. You have much to learn from each other.

Use your challenges as an opportunity for physical, emotional and spiritual growth. Don't allow them to be an excuse to halt your forward motion, or to hurt others. You deserve better than that. ~Silas

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Catch the Wave, Paddle the Trough

When your life is flowing, things are smooth and easy. What you ask for comes to you quickly. Obstacles dissolve in your presence.

Not every moment is easy and smooth. In order to get to a destination, there is a road to be traveled. When you arrive, you must park your car. You may need to take a tram to the main gate, go to the correct ticket booth, cash or charge.....coupons......special deals......a lengthy process involved in going to have fun.

When you get through the gate, you can relax. You have succeeded. The fun may begin. So, how do you make it through the gate? One foot, or even one inch at a time.

Don't forsake the goal because of the multitude of steps that are involved, or the amount of time it will take. Jump in. If you must move slowly, then do that. Just do not stop. Keep the momentum going.

Inspiration and energy come in waves. There is a crest and a trough. There are big waves and smaller ones, and you will not always be surfing on top.

Sometimes you will need to turn around and paddle out. This takes energy. You would much rather be riding the wave, but to give up and go home at this point would spoil a most beautiful adventure.

So, breathless from the last ride, you paddle out and keep moving deeper into the surf. Eventually, as you get closer you enthusiasm increases and then, suddenly, you are in the perfect position to catch the giant wave that has just come in.

When you feel tired and uninspired, you are sitting in a trough. Keep moving. As you get closer to the top, the wave will pull you in. Suddenly, you are riding a crest, the ideas come freely, life moves smoothy and effortlessly.

Your steps may be small (writing a paragraph, taking a walk, filling out the first five lines of a document or application), but keep them steady. They may not take you immediately to your goal, but when you get a second wind, you will be several miles closer to it.

When you are going through a blinding rain, keep driving. Sunshine and rainbows await you beyond the storm clouds. No storm lasts forever. Prepare yourself for the sun. ~Silas

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bless the Unexpected

Imagine you are watching movie. The main character sets a goal. He or she then moves effortlessly towards this goal then achieves it. Then the movie ends. No obstacles, no challenges. Would you enjoy such a movie? Would you line up to see the sequel?

Can you imagine a video game where the character walks from point A to the treasure box at point B. No one shoots at him, no monsters chase him. How many quarters will you invest in such a game?

When you seek to achieve a goal, you will aim to arrive there as quickly and efficiently as possible. You try to plan your efforts so that there are minimal distractions and obstacles for that is the shortest journey, yes? Perhaps not.

Back to the video game. You are two minutes into the game and monsters have chased you into a small, dark room. You curse yourself for not being fast enough, or more careful. You try to figure out how to get back in the game or whether or not you should just give up.

As your character paces the room, you hear a change in the sound of his footfalls; a hollow spot. You have discovered a trap door in the floor.

You go inside and it leads you safely past the monsters and into another room that you did not know existed. You see another door.

When you open it, like magic! There is the treasure you've been seeking. There was a much easier way to get to it than the conventional, straightforward route. If you had not faced the obstacle of the monsters and the delay of being cornered in the room, you would not have found it.

When you are trying to achieve a goal and find obstacles in your way, take a closer look.

They may not be there to impede your progress, but rather to show you a short cut, teach you an important lesson or develop a skill that you did not have before.

Delays and obstacles can be exhausting, but do not let them steal your joy. Learn what they have to teach you, see what they have to show you.

Then, pick up your treasure map and proceed with the next logical step from where you are. Your goal may be closer than you think. Like the little girl from Kansas, you may find that it has been traveling with you the entire journey. ~Silas

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Don't Run Away From You

You keep your lives busy, filled with activities designed to take up your precious time. Television, video games, books, magazines, social networks......

It is all right to have a multi-faceted life, just as long as you are the shining jewel in the center of it.

This is not a selfish attitude, as many of you may be thinking. If you are lost to yourself, then you have no room to help or guide another.

Often when you are forced to be alone with yourself, you run and hide. You cover up the experience with sensory stimulation in the form of media or addictions. You begin co-dependent (or dependent) relationships so that you do not have to look yourself in the eye.

It is like going into a dressing room and trying on something you think will look nice. You may see that it is not at all flattering. You look away from the mirror. Surely it is your fault. A glass of wine and a candy bar will make you feel better. Turn on the television when you get home and you will forget all about that silly, lying mirror.

If you are brave enough (or need a new garment badly enough), you will keep looking. You will try on another garment and then another until you look in the mirror and smile. You have found your look. You look amazing! You stayed in your energy long enough to find a garment that reflects who you are.

Spend time with you everyday. Pour yourself a cup of tea, write in a journal or draw on a sketch pad, take a walk or just daydream.

The love you chase is in the mirror. Don't run from it, or suppress it with deliberate overstimulation.
Celebrate and share it. You are an amazing companion. Don't deprive yourself of your own company. You have a beautiful energy to enjoy and share with the world. We promise you. ~Silas

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

You Have One Job, Be Yourself

It can be useful to compare yourself with others. It prevents you from putting on their shoes or accidentally walking into their homes. It is always interesting to see how others live and react to situations. This, however, is where the usefulness ends.

All of you are chasing the same goal. You arrive there by walking different paths. You were designed to be different, both in appearance and temperament. You have all been given different combinations of skills and talents. This is why Earth is such a rich, abundant and beautiful place to live.

The best way of going about this business of living is to be yourself. Find your joys, your talents and strengths. Find your dislikes and things you would rather avoid. Look to your neighbors for companionship, not to measure up to another's standard of excellence.

You were designed by the Creator to be magnificent as you are. Perhaps you cannot sing as well as the mezzo soprano in the opera you just experienced, but, perhaps, she cannot dance or write sonnets as well as you can.

You might wake up at the crack of dawn to accomplish your goals, or sleep later and conserve your energy for important tasks in the afternoon.

Your way of doing things and thinking about things is yours. Do not ask another to do things as you do. They might have a better way that works perfectly for them. Do not think of them or accuse them of being unintelligent or lazy if they live their life another way.

In the same way, do not belittle yourself for what you do or do not accomplish in comparison to another.

This is what causes so much of your struggle and misery on this paradise planet you call home.

Let others do as they will, as long as they do not harm you. Do not ask others to meet your expectations, and do not live your life to imitate theirs.

To not be yourself is a waste of all that Spirit has given you. Look within. Find the treasures that hide there. Explore and express them to the fullest and share them with the world.

When you look at yourself as compared to others, do not measure the sameness. Celebrate the differences and uniqueness.

Do not beat yourself up if you are not a rocket scientist. Perhaps you are a storyteller or a gardener. That does not make you less. For what would this Earth be like without tall tales and flowers? ~Silas

Monday, July 22, 2013

Choose Love, Choose Peace

When your heart opens to Spirit, you will often be guided to a path that supports your feelings and beliefs. Millions on this planet do the same thing, and few pick the same path.

Whether it be a religious or spiritual practice or cultural belief, you cannot sway another with anger or fear.

You might temporarily gain support from those who are undecided, but if your belief system doesn't met their needs, they will not stay.

We ask you, why do they need to stay? Are your beliefs more valid if you have more people standing behind you?

The only true spiritual path you have is the one you have with Spirit, God, the Universe, or whatever you choose to call it. This is the only religion you need to follow.

The temple or church is your body. The congregation of one, sits in your heart. You may enjoy sharing spiritual time with others, but always let your heart and your personal connection to Spirit guide your actions.

Live your love and your truth and let others be attracted to it, rather than attempting to blind them with it.

True spirituality is neither threatening, nor judgmental. There is only one destination. You may travel by expressway or winding country road. You will get there, no worries.

In the end, there will be no, "I told you sos", no winners or losers. You will all reunite (we will join you) and thank each other for playing such a great and lively game. ~Silas

Sunday, July 21, 2013

When Heroes Fall

When you are seeking knowledge, healing, or spiritual growth, you will often find an individual whose message moves you.

This is good. You have asked and received. That is how it often works.

Always remember that messengers or gurus, whatever their fame and income level, are humans.

As humans, you were created with an ego or identity, that keeps you playing this game called "Life on Earth".

Sometimes those you have admired, fall from grace. This can be a difficult time for you as you often attribute the message with the messenger. You worry that the message might be invalid. You may have been living a lie. Others may even taunt and tease you saying, "Look, your hero has fallen".

The hurt, worry and shame you feel are from your ego trying to deal with it. When this happens, give your ego the day off.

Think about the message. Did it help you? Inspire you? Is your life better for having heard and followed it?

Messengers who gain fame struggle with their ego issues. Some deal with them successfully, others do not. Do not identify them with their message. Do not build your life so firmly around one idea or philosophy that there is no room for change in the light of new evidence.

For all their fame and glorification, a messenger, guide, guru or teacher is merely a channel for spiritual energy. The clearer the channel, the better the message that comes through.

You would not worship your television set because you enjoyed a particularly good program. You are just grateful that it is there and the signal is clear.

Let your heart be the filter that helps you sift through all of the information. Become your own guide or guru with the help of messengers on both sides of the veil.

Feel the truth (or not) of the message, and decide what is right for you. You can do it. We believe in you. ~Silas

Friday, July 19, 2013

Practice Time is Well Spent

Your time is precious. You never want to waste a single minute. You feel the most productive when you are working on something.

Imagine if you were listening to a musical band or symphony orchestra. They have adopted a new policy. They never practice. Practice time is wasted, the bandleader has decided, as no one but the musicians can hear the music.

Then you go to the concert, plunk down your hard-earned money, and sit down to enjoy the show. Remember that this is the first time the musicians have seen the music. How do you think it will sound? Will you want your money back? Most likely.

If you wish to be good at something, your practice time is valuable. If you want to dance on stage, first you dance in your living room. If you want to be fit and healthy, practice moving and going about your daily activities as a fit person would. If you want to be rich, practice managing your money, for that is what consistently wealthy people do.

Practice daily, the feelings and actions of a person who has what you desire.

That way, when your symphony takes the stage, you will not hit sour notes and you will be asked to play many encores. Every day, feel your dreams and practice living them at this moment.

Be ready! Your wish is about to come true! ~Silas

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Don't Beat the Translator

Today, we will tell you a story:

Once there was a man wandering around New York City. He was gesturing to people around him and speaking what sounded like gibberish. Many people complained as he accosted people, yelling at them and walked through the streets, interrupting traffic.

Soon, he was apprehended by the police who put him in a holding cell. They called a psychiatrist to come in to evaluate him.

While they were waiting, a British tourist who had come in to report a lost wallet, overheard the man talking.

"Excuse me", he said to an officer, "I think I can help you, I speak a little French. He is saying that he was walking through the city with his grandson. When he turned around, the child was gone. He has been trying to get someone to help him".

The tourist smiled, expecting the officers to be grateful for the help. Instead, a very large officer glared at him. "Shut your mouth! We know what we're doing. This man is crazy! And if you think he's making sense, you might just be crazy! Maybe we need to lock you up as well!"

The tourist left the station and tried to find help for the man, but no one would listen. The child remained lost and the grandfather was sent to a facility where he was kept under sedation to keep him quiet and docile.

This story is ridiculous fiction, of course. In a multicultural city like New York, police officers would understand that the man was speaking a different language, and if a child was suspected of being lost, they would act immediately.

Our point is that you cannot always judge a person by what you see on the outside. Situations are not always what they appear to be. You must be open to new evidence when it comes in. There is no shame in misjudging a person or situation if you do not have all the facts, but do not let pride and ego color the decisions you make about people.

They may do the same for you one day. ~Silas

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Going Home

You can never run away from home. You can walk to the ends of the Earth and venture out into space and still not get away.

Home is always where you are. It lives in your heart. It is a place of rest and refuge.

So keep it clean, keep it tidy make it warm, inviting and comfortable. When you run away from home, you are running from yourself. When you are running from yourself, it is because you imagine that you do not have a safe place to rest.

Life is motion. It is a dance of light and energy. You learn the steps by jumping in and dancing. Sometimes you try too hard. You exhaust yourself and you get confused. You will not learn the dance you have to learn by always running to a different partner or a different dance hall, but you do need a break.

So sit back. Breathe. Feel your heart beating, feel your muscles ache, and rest them. When you are content and comfortable you are home. Take some time to watch the dance before jumping back in. You learn to dance by doing it, but also by watching others and noticing how the most proficient dancers move. You learn by watching the struggles of others and hopefully decide to do things differently.

Resting is learning and growth. It prepares you for more active times later, but in order to rest, you need a home to go to. The one that is with you always.

Spend some time each day within your "home". Close your eyes. Sit in silence, if only for a few minutes. Like a turtle you can then carry your home with you, pulling in even as chaos goes on around you. Finding peace wherever you are.

No need to run away. Just enjoy the dance. ~Silas

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Love You Forever

Learning to love yourself first, does not mean that you will be single for the rest of your life, or lose interest in the opposite sex. It means that no one will ever be able to deprive you of love again.

When you love yourself, you will attract partners, not rescuers. A potential mate will enhance and support the relationship you have with yourself rather than fill in the missing pieces.

You are not predestined to be with a particular partner or to be alone. To be in a romantic relationship is a choice. To be single is an equally valid choice. The vilification of the word "single" has destroyed lives as people run from partner to partner desperately seeking "the one". Holding desperately to relationships which are not working, or never giving a relationship the time and energy it deserves because it doesn't feel like "the one".

The "one" you seek is already in your heart. This is the relationship you should nurture and never give up on.

If you could see yourself as we do, you would never need to search for love again, but if you like the feeling and want more, it will be attracted to you.

All beings on this planet are made of love. This is a fact. The ability to feel that love is a choice. The way you feel that love is a choice. Choose wisely. ~Silas

Monday, July 15, 2013

One Small Step

Many of you are becoming aware of the fact that your thoughts create your reality. You say your affirmations daily, you meditate, you begin to feel what it would be like to have what you desire. Then, you wait.

Ask for it. Feel it like it is already yours. Done and done, so, what is taking it so long?

Knowing what you desire, and believing that you have it are really all it takes, but sometimes it takes a while.

If you were on a sinking ship and wanted more than anything to be rescued, you would probably not remain in your cabin below the deck. You would get to the highest point on the ship, send a signal flare and reach for the rescuer's hand when they offer it to you.

If you were to stay below the deck, they might not know you are there or it will take a much longer period of time to reach you. They might even think that you don't really want to be rescued.

When you order a meal at a restaurant, would you leave your table and go to sit at the bar without telling your waitress?

The Universe will always respond to you. It is you who are not always clear. One way to make your intentions and desires clearer, is to take an action.

Yes, we know, you have heard that you can manifest anything you want without all of the hard work. You can. However, a small action taken on your part, can bring about results much more rapidly. A little action, reading about the job you want, writing a sentence of your novel, walking around the block can move energy and speed up the process. We never said the work had to be hard, in fact, making it fun can be even more effective (listen to music during a walk for exercise, time yourself to see how quickly you can write, look at want ads while your cookies are baking). Nothing big has to be accomplished right away, but showing the Universe that you want something so badly you are willing to put a little "muscle" into it, moves the energy.

You are not doubting the Universe's ability to deliver your wishes, you are simply rushing out with joy to meet the delivery truck. The Universe may build on the energy you have set in motion bringing about your wishes in a logical manner, (you quickly find the job of your dreams through the want ads) or it might just use the energy you've released in a different way ( you apply for a job through the want ads and meet a stranger in a cafe who offers you a better one).

So focus on what you want, feel what it is like to have it and take a small step today, that makes you feel a little closer to it. Play with it. Have fun. Don't hide at the bar, your meal is nearly ready. ~Silas

Friday, July 12, 2013

Creating a New Normal

Some of your language we find amusing. Take for instance the word "normal". It can mean an average, or that which is appropriate, or that which is routine.

Normal is meant to have a uniform meaning, but what is normal for one person may be totally foreign to another. What one group calls normal is offensive to another, but that is for another discussion. Let us look at normal as it applies to your daily routines.

Think back to a time, when your life was much different. What things were normal to you then? A job you did not like? Living your life for others? An unhealthy lifestyle? Fifty extra pounds?

At the time, you saw nothing wrong with your life. There was no reason to change it. It was completely normal. Then, you felt an urge, an inspiration. You decided to try something new. You liked it. It became part of your routine. Your "normal" started to change. Perhaps it wasn't so normal after all. Perhaps your new routine is not normal.

What is not normal (appropriate) is stagnation. All things change as new information and experiences come in.

Enjoy your current state of normal, as it will soon change as you grow. Do not marry it, just experience it, and be prepared to let it go.

What is missing from your current "normal"? A good relationship? More money? A great career? Aim for that, and be prepared for your current reality to shift. Imagine what this new "normal will feel like. Then release the old, and allow it to come through.

You cannot create the life you see in your dreams while you are asleep. You must wake up. You must have an open mind and heart to welcome the newest form of "normal" that is coming to you. Enjoy thIs "normal" for it is temporary.

Love this moment then say good-bye, as change and transformation, are the only thing close to resembling "normal" on this planet. ~Silas

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Shunning the Shadow

If you were to purchase oil paints to make a picture, you would most likely purchase a complete selection of colors. You would not only purchase white to apply to your white canvas.

The dark colors are not inferior to the white. They provide contrast, depth and reveal a complete picture that would not be possible with only white.

Your soul had the choice of staying in the light or coming to Earth to appreciate and learn from the contrast. Fear brings forth courage, confusion brings knowledge and pain brings healing. Resisting the dark places can stunt your growth.

Many seek only the light believing that looking away from the darkness will make it disappear. That is like ignoring a weed in a dark corner of your flower garden. Weeds are persistent. You must face them, and deal with them before they take over the garden.

Like all things on this planet even weeds have a purpose. Some are food for animals, ground cover or have medicinal purposes. They may not be good for your garden, but parts of them may not be bad. As long as you keep them controlled in such a way that they don't harm the flowers.

Anger can become persistence. Judgement can keep you from making the wrong decisions.

Your own dark side is a gift. It shows you the lessons you need to focus on, what fears need to be addressed. Facing your darkness can teach you things that no book or spiritual tradition can. This is not to say that you give in to it, just turn towards it and stare it down. Take a good look at it. Take your power back from it.

There is nothing to fear. Sit in meditation or prayer, write a question in a journal, ask your darkness questions. You might find, in the end, that you are on the same team, working towards spiritual growth.

In reality, all is love. Light and dark are just the projectors that show the movie of life. A movie without an antagonist would be pretty dull. You bought your ticket, you deserve a quality show. ~Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: Like most people, I started my spiritual journey chasing only the light. I thought ignoring my darkness would make it go away. I didn't want to learn and experience growing pains. I thought my emotions would take over and I would be finished and my life would end.

I would progress briefly, then come to a screeching halt. Something would happen that would force me to deal with my fears. When I did, things improved and I moved forward. I had to look at the parts of myself I didn't like and instead of denying them, work to heal and transform them. I learned things about my life and the world. Many things were not pleasant to face and experience, but they led me to a better place. I like it here, and I'd like it to keep getting better.

Before a flower can reach for the sun, it must root in the darkness of the earth, and the prettiest and most healthy of flowers grow best when properly fertilized.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Rest vs. Laziness

As children, you are often told that you are being lazy when you sit around and do nothing. As adults, you refuse to slow down even when you are ill or tired.

Your body remains in a sluggish, tired state on a regular basis. You make plans but lack the energy and enthusiasm to carry them out.

Most of you take better care of your automobiles than your bodies.

You would not run your car's engine all day long and not expect the parts to wear or the gas to run out. You give it the best gas and the highest quality service you can afford. You drive your car as you need to, then park it in a cool garage if, possible.

Your bodies are often subjected to unnatural schedules and given cheap, inadequate fuel because it is convenient. You attempt to run them from morning until evening with no rest. Then you give your body stimulants to keep it running, when it can go no longer.

Taking a break is not laziness. It is part of the necessary maintenance of your physical vessel. Do not let the guilt or judgement of others keep you from doing what you need to do for your health and well-being.

If you take your resting periods as seriously as your work time, your energy and the quality of your work will improve, and your life will feel easy and balanced. Now put away your computer and take a break. The world will wait for you. ~Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Gift of Rejection

We will not pretend that rejection is not a painful thing. We are always close to offer comfort and assistance when you feel it. Most people will experience rejection before finding love, getting a job or publishing a book. Famous writers have been known to save their rejection letters for the purpose of learning and motivation.

In every rejection, there is a lesson to be learned. Rejections are like the sour notes played by musicians when they are learning a new song, or the falls and defeats suffered by athletes as they perfect their skills.

The enemy in rejection is judgement. It has nothing to do with who you are. In fact it is more often a reflection of the other person. If a person treats you badly in a rejection, they are showing you who they are. They are also showing you that they have done you a favor. For whatever reason a rejection occurs in a romantic relationship, it is a blessing if one party is not happy. The other partner would receive the unhappiness as well, and continuing the relationship would cause more pain.

Rejection is an action taken in response to incompatibility. It is not a reflection on either party unless they choose to make it so. If you try in a garment because you like the way it looks on a mannequin, but do not like the way it looks on you, would you feel that you were inferior to the garment? Hopefully, you would put it back and look for another that suits you. You might be disappointed that it didn't look the way you wanted when you wore it, but now you know that that style is not for you. You evaluate what was wrong with it (cut, color, length), figure out what you like, (neckline, sleeves), and look for a garment that would suit you better. You would not try on the same outfit thinking it will look better next time.

Do not take rejection personally. Study it, learn from it, but don't dwell on it. The store is full of garments that will fit you perfectly and look great. Keep shopping. ~ Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: Fear of rejection has kept me paralyzed for most of my adult life. The romantic rejections have been pretty severe. In my worst, not only did he indicate that the fault was mine ( I didn't move fast enough), but felt it necessary to bring her to an event we regularly attended. I refused to abandon my friends, so I had to go and see the two of them together in the midst of my heartbreak. At the time I was devastated, but later it occurred to me that only a truly cold-hearted individual, could do such a thing. I was the one who could do better. I was jealous of a woman who was falling in love with a heartless man. I should have pitied her for the inevitable heartbreak to come.

Sometimes the garment doesn't fit. Other times it is made of scratchy material that can cause a severe allergic reaction.

I know now that I am not inferior to him, just different. In fact, I think I might be a little smarter in some ways. After a year of passive-aggressive torture, this person has unfriended me on Facebook. Now I can say things I never would have said with him watching. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, Genius, and don't piss off the fairy. Also, be grateful that I'm a better person than you are.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Raising Your Inner Child

The purpose of life on Earth is to enjoy and create. The problems and issues you create in your lives are simply obstacles that stand in the way of your pleasure and creations. It is not always enjoyable to move them, but it must be done. Unless you want to give up on this lifetime and try again the next. You have an opportunity to do this now, so why do you not?

Your ego is why.

You have been taught to envision your ego as a type of villain or angry schoolmaster who taunts you as often as they can. Your ego is actually, more like a child. As many of you are aware, raising children can be a challenge.

When you know you need to do something and that you will be better off for having done it, your ego is the one that wants to watch more television ("One more story, please?") Your ego detests a user-friendly workspace ("But I don't want to lean my room!"). Your ego would rather shut you down and sabotage your progress, than find another way to do something, ("I can't. I'm not capable).

Most people either give up, or fight the ego until it has a tantrum. Treat your ego as the child it is. Chores must be done, but always allow time for play, naps and an afternoon snack of milk and cookies if you like. If you fight the ego, it will strike back. If you give in it will not respect you and will continue to take advantage of your kind nature. Satisfy your soul by accomplishing something daily. Satisfy your ego with a little treat, or pleasurable experience afterward.

Strive not for perfection, but for balance. A balanced life is as close to perfection as you can get, and it is more than enough. ~Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: Today, I overwhelmed myself with unpacking and attempting to organize my space. At one point I felt a meltdown coming on, and I kept trying to push it aside and keep fighting through. When I couldn't take it any longer, I looked over at the clock. I checked the time and decided that I would give myself exactly ten minutes to have a meltdown. I managed to finish in five and had five minutes to rest before getting back to work.

It seems pretty silly and I had a good laugh over it, but it worked, and if something works, you keep doing it. I've found that rest and recreation are as important as work, and what's the point of work if you never get to play? I'm still trying to break old patterns and it is work, but each time I do I reclaim a little piece of myself.

Then I reward myself for the effort. If you work out regularly, you can afford to have cookies and milk. Weekend warriors usually burn out quickly, and they never get to eat anything yummy.

Friday, July 5, 2013


There is nothing more frustrating than getting into a flow and then having to stop because of an unforeseen circumstance or setback . It is frustrating for a reason. If you are aware, it will get your attention.

You might become annoyed with a person behind you who grabs your arm to stop you from crossing the street. You are already running late and now you have been set back a few seconds more. It is frustrating until you realize that being hit by the truck you nearly stepped in front of, would have set you back even further.

When you are on the right path and your vibration is correct to attract what you desire, things will go smoothly. Setbacks occur for different reasons.

As in the case of the person crossing the street, sometimes your progress is thwarted in order to keep you from harm's way. You have certainly heard stories of people missing trains or deciding to take a later flight and on doing so they are not involved in horrific accidents. If you are on the right path you will naturally avoid or gently be guided away from such situations.

Sometimes, you are on the right path, but your vibration is not in harmony with what you seek. A setback at this point gives you a chance to rethink and re-feel until you are able to attract your ideal situation.

Other times, you have taken a wrong turn. Spirit does not want you to waste time on that which will not work for you. A setback will stop your forward momentum in order to help you realize that you are walking down the wrong path, and keep you from getting stalled or lost in the wrong place.

When a large boulder drops into your path, don't give up on your goal. Instead, ask it why it's there. You will get an answer quickly if you are open to hearing it. Then your goal will be closer than ever, and you will never be late. ~Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: This happened to me today. Busy day planned and several stops to make. I didn't know when I'd get time to write and was wanting to get chores over with so I could relax. My first stop was a store that was not yet open. After a quick pout, I went across the street, got a cold drink and started to write. Feeling pretty good right now. Definitely have a better vibe. It's going to be a great day!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day

Independence. You want it or you fear it. You strive for it or take it from others. As with many of your other concepts and ideas, in our reality, independence does not exist.

If you were truly independent, you would be a lifeless empty shell. All things in your life that you have achieved have been through the grace of Spirit, and the assistance of other humans placed on your path.

As an infant, you are completely dependent on another. Growing up it is beneficial to have responsible adults to guide your footsteps. Even those who aspire to create businesses of their own and make their own way in life are dependent on people to purchase their products, people to promote them, and assist them in trivial matters so they can go about the business of thinking they are doing it by themselves.

What you may wish to seek in place of a concept which does not exist, is a healthy interdependence. A fair exchange for the assistance or a willingness to pay forward when you are not in a position to give back. Interdependence feels warm and comfortable. Like players on the same team. A sports team cannot exist with only one player trying to fill every position. The team of Humanity is no different. You need doctors, police officers, firefighters, sales clerks, wait staff, child care providers, artists, musicians
and all other occupations.

Even the most dependent of your race, newborn infants, bring innocence and love to their parents and to the Earth. They are interdependent with their parents. No one gets, or gives a free ride on this planet. You are here, you are powerful and you are attracting all of the people and experiences you need to be successful. The first step toward what you think of as independence is the word, please.

Enjoy your day and celebrate your position on the team of Humanity. We are always here to help. Happy Interdependence Day! ~Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: My recent experiences have taught me that when you let go of sadness, you make room for happiness, when you face your fears, you find a courage that you never knew was inside of you, and when you release your fears of dependence and helplessness, you find incredible strengths and abilities you never thought were possible.

When I truly, with all my heart desire something and send out a request to Spirit, I am always answered. I have learned, however, that I must be open to the form in which the answer comes. Sometimes I'm given exactly what I ask for, other times, I get the resources I need, and still other times, I find people who can help me.

Whatever business you're in, you cannot be successful without the help guidance or patronage of other people. When you finally get over yourself ( or your ego takes a nap), and say, "Help, please!", help will always be given. Sometimes you have to stop scratching your lottery ticket and pick up the twenty dollar bill that is lying on the sidewalk. It may not be a million dollars, but it's more than you had a minute ago, and who knows where it will take you. Millionaires have started with less.

Happy Interdependence day!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's Not You.....Or Maybe It Is

Many of you are learning to break the habit of allowing others to mistreat and take advantage of you. This is a good thing and if you are working on this, we support you and are proud of your efforts. It is good for you to set healthy boundaries, as long as you set them on your own property.

You may realize that when you tell a child to defend himself, you must be specific. A child who does not have enough life experience to understand what you are saying, may assume that it is alright to become a bully. It is, regrettably, the same for many adults.

When you have an agreement or friendship with another person, it is appropriate to expect to have an equal partnership, with that person. You have every right to speak up when another person does not hold up their end of the bargain. You do not have the right to abuse that person. When you move into a place of being abusive, you are trying to right a wrong with another wrong.

"Standing your ground" and "setting your boundaries" does not give you the karmic freedom to make a "preemptive strike". Do not be so fearful of others hurting and attacking you, that you become the abuser.

When children are taught martial arts by an experienced teacher, they are encouraged to avoid using them unless it is necessary. They are not told to accept the attacks of others, but to avoid problem situations and walk away if possible. As with all things, balance is important.

It is important to learn and be able to stand up for yourself, but you don't need to wear you defenses like a suit of armor.

Think of an elephant. They are large creatures that are capable of inflicting serious damage to an enemy. Yet elephants don't normally seek to attack unless they are hurt or provoked. Most animals will avoid such an engagement. The lesson they teach is to stand tall, knowing you have all you need to protect yourself, but do not engage in attack or defense unless it is necessary.

What we say to you is: protect yourself for you deserve to be treated fairly, but wear your self-esteem and confidence on the outside, not your armor to weapons. Those around you will either be attracted to your strong yet loving nature, or be repelled as they have a much different vibration. Either way, you will benefit. ~Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: This has always been a challenge for me. I don't like to be mean to others, unfortunately, others are not often as considerate. Sometimes I avoid saying things so as to not hurt the feelings of another, then resentment builds up and I either explode in anger, or stay away from the person. Sometimes, it's an issue that can be resolved, if handled with firmness and compassion, and people who are that offended, will usually leave and end the situation.

As hard as it can be sometimes, I know that when I tell the other party what is bothering me, it clears things up. Yes, it can make things awkward, and the awkwardness is uncomfortable for me, but the alternative is anger and resentment directed inward, and that's not ok.

Friendships have ended because I have walked away, unable to express my frustrations openly. In most cases, the parties involved would have met my words with attack and the results would be the same. I just try to act from my heart and and continue working on it. So with regard to this subject. I would advise listening to Silas. Not my area of expertise, but learning more every day and Googling the crap out of it.

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Real Time Machine

You have a saying, "You can't go home again". It is true. Once you leave a place, job, relationship or situation, you cannot return expecting things to be the same. This occurs for two reasons. First, the place or situation you have left has changed. So that when you return, it is as though you are going to a new place. Second, you have changed. Therefore you don't fit in as you once did. Your thoughts and ideas have been changed by the new experiences.

Your nostalgic feelings have you believing that this is a bad thing. It is in fact, a blessing. It shows that you have grown.

You get to be in a new place with new tools at your disposal. You left as a private and return as a general.

You can confidently face the bullies of your past, and have a new appreciation for friends that have been with you all along. Things that were once intimidating seem smaller and more manageable.

Be grateful for your past, but be passionately in love with your present. Embrace your return not as a disappointing shadow of what was, but as a new, fresh start. You are the artist of your life. You have a fresh canvas and a full palatte of colors. You can paint any way you want.

Every day, on this planet, in your own back yard, the grass has grown, new flowers have bloomed, the trees have new leaves, some limbs may have died and fallen and a nest of birds has hatched. It has changed. It is not the same place it was when you went to bed last night.

You can never go "home" again, because "home" is always changing, as are you.

So we welcome you! Born again on this new day, on a new Earth. So, what will you create now? We are eager to find out. ~Silas

Jinnzania's side notes: Today, I am back home. I've been back enough that the changes around me have been less of a shock, but thinking back to nearly a year ago, I'm not at the "home" that I left. I'm glad. I was afraid of everything and looking for an escape. Being away reminded me of the things I love about being here, and the things I need to be cautious about.

It's good. I'm in a familiar place, and after a year of personal growth, I'm feeling prepared to deal with things I left behind. I'm appreciating my friends, my old hang outs, beaches with free public access, and safe, beautiful places to walk.

There's an expression, "If I only knew then, what I know now". I get a chance to try that out now. How cool is that?